
Chapter 53 The Power Of Blessed

"You don\'t need to bother holding back. Just crush them, whether that will kill them or not!" Zayn told the two Human Spirits that stood guard on either side of him.

They grasped their weapons tightly and stepped forward. The two Human Spirits didn\'t need to be wary of the Undead since they couldn\'t die, either way.

Nonetheless, it was better to be careful since they had to face hundreds of opponents at the same time.

Zayn was just about to follow the two Spirits when the ground all around them began to tremor. A cluster of multicolored lights attracted his attention from the corner of his eyes and he halted in his tracks to take a look at the raging powers that had been unleashed.

"So that\'s the power of Blessed who worked hard to gain their God\'s favor over the course of decades?" He mumbled while continuing to watch the scenario that unfolded at the center of the battlefield with interest.

The battle had yet to start for most but the strongest large-scale attacks of the retired Blessed had already been unleashed. The retired Blessed weren\'t strong enough to fight in close combat, not anymore. Their body had gone rusty and only the powers they\'d been granted through their Stigma remained the same.

By releasing the powers granted by their God, it was possible for the retired Blessed to be useful one more time. They used the best possible way to be of help.

Two tornadoes, both more than 30 meters in height emerged in front of the Blessed who manifested them. The presence around the Blessed grew thicker as the winds from the surrounding area were sucked in the tornadoes, further empowering them.

While Zayn expected the tornadoes to wreak havoc in their current state, a sudden display of colors erupted in his field of vision once again. One of the tornadoes seemed to be imbued with blazing flames as it turned into an inferno that engulfed the Undead as they were swept off their feet and sucked in the vortex. The air was filled with the crackling sound of blazing flames as well as the roar of the fire and the howling of the winds.

The other tornado began to change as well. It moved rapidly to the right, far away from Zayn\'s direction as it was imbued with some kind of power that created paper-thin shards of ice within the tornado. This, in turn, seemed to turn the tornado into a death zone as everything pulled inside it was reduced to shreds.

Not even the highly endurable bones of the Undead were able to endure the damage caused by the paper-thin ice shards. The bones were hit over and over again until they finally cracked open and burst apart into tiny, yet razor-sharp bone fragments that empowered the tornado\'s lethality even further.

Hundreds of Undead were swept up in the vortex of the ice-shard tornado and none of them survived the aftermath. Every single one of the Undeads sucked in the tornado was torn apart viciously, their body parts flung through the surrounding like minced meat.

Zayn swallowed his saliva subconsciously as he continued to watch the gruesome battlefield even before the battle had actually started.

The tornadoes moved with incredible speed and swept across the landscape where they left a trail of destruction. The ground beneath the blazing tornado was scorched and blackened, and the few trees in its path had been reduced to mere stumps and cinder, just like the bodies of the Undead whose bones and Cores of the Undead had been incinerated.

Meanwhile, everything around and beneath the ice-shard tornado looked like it had been through a butcher\'s knife. Nothing remained untouched by the ice-shard tornado that was guided by the Blessed despite its fearsome power.

The tornadoes were clearly controlled by the Blessed whose focus was to destroy the army of undead and nothing else.

\'This would have been enough to obliterate them for good if used properly…\' Zayn couldn\'t help but think as he once again blamed the strategist for being a muddlehead.

Zayn shook his head in disbelief as one of the Sparrow Spirits returned to him to show the devastation caused by the two tornadoes that disappeared not long after.

The memories were imprinted vividly in his mind which was more than enough for Zayn to smile weirdly as he saw the destruction caused by a handful of retired Blessed.

Over the course of a few minutes, the army of undead had been decimated to less than half of what it had been in the beginning. Zayn couldn\'t see the five Zombified Gorillas anymore but he was pretty sure that they were lurking somewhere.

The ferocious power of the tornadoes had been fearsome but that didn\'t mean it was enough to obliterate the Zombified Gorillas.

Nonetheless, Zayn was feeling much more reassured than before.

He welcomed the smell of smoke and the sound of crackling flames that were slowly dying down, their mighty flames now reduced to embers.

For a moment he thought that the forces of nature had awoken and that they were working in sync against the Undead, unleashing the tornadoes to free the land of their presence. Of course, that was not the case.

On the contrary, it was the Power of Gods that had been used by mere mortals who had been granted a tiny fragment of the Gods\' powers.

\'So that\'s how strong they can become just by completing the missions they\'re given,\' Zayn thought to himself as he realized that it was actually the first time for him to personally witness the power of a Blessed with two Soulrings.

He knew that three retired Blessed with two Soulrings were quite strong which made it quite clear that the two tornadoes was the result of their combined power.

However, that didn\'t make things better for Zayn, even if it indicated that the retired Blessed must have worked hard for decades in order to unleash such powerful attacks.

\'By relying on my muscle memories and Spirits, I won\'t be strong enough to actually fight strong Blessed head-on.\'

Realization struck Zayn and made him ponder about his next steps.

\'Looks like I need to change my plan a little!\'

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