
Chapter 380: Pink

Chapter 380: Pink

Magnus had a lot of work to do. By making the Prime Minister tell everyone that they are sending troops for peacekeeping, it made it easier for Magnus to mask his Golden Company’s presence.

Just the day after, the US, Canada, Europe, Bhutan, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, Australia and a lot of African nations officially recognised the Republic of Korea. With more than half of the world recognising it, China had to do the same, for it was not as powerful to push away the west, yet. They neither agreed nor denied the existence of a Korea, but they still sent a diplomat, silently accepting the status-quo. Meanwhile, USSR was furious, they were unable to do anything all this time.

They didn’t accept Korea, saying it was made with force, but again, the world pointed fingers back at them, telling them that USSR was made with force. In the end, nobody tried to shout too loud about it, if any country had problems, it had to either silently suck it up or plot secretly.

Yet, Magnus very well knew that his work was not done. The people of North and South by now had more than two decades of experience of hating each other, there were new generations that only grew in disunited Korea. So, it was heavy work to ensure that discrimination does not occur.

For one, mention of South or North Korea was removed from any identity cards or places. Nationality was just called Korean. The entire citizen registry needed to be created since citizen records in the North were flimsy. A huge panel of 10 Judges was made to preside over the Pyongyang trials, 3 were from Korea, 2 were from the UN, 3 were from the UK and 2 were from the US.

The Korean government hired Tonks & Tonks to make sure that all the criminals get punished. After all, the firm boasted the highest success rate in the world.

With that, he left after signing Lance, the Dragon Service team leader to preside over the Korean region for the coming five years, to make sure that no human rights violations occur and democracy wins.

With that, Magnus’ companies were also given preferential treatment, Emrys Construction won a lot of contracts, at the same time, many free trade agreements or preferred trade agreements were signed by Korea with the US and the UK.

25th December,

Although Magnus was officially still in school, since it was Christmas, he brought Ragnar, Severus and Emma with him to his home just for the day. It was important for another reason, as it was the day the triplets were born.

They were turning three today. They were told that Magnus and Ragnar wouldn’t be coming and they were sad due to this. But when they appeared, the three bloomed like sunflowers. They came running into their arms.

Clementia looked a bit better now with her empathic abnormality under some control. She giggled as the rest.

“What did my three potatoes do when big brothers were gone?” Magnus asked them.

Maximus puffed out his chest, “I help mummy every day. I learnt to make tea as well.”

“Hmph, you only put sugar in the end, that is not learning.” Aurelia snarled. Her attitude was that of a high born. She was usually very sweet but also spoke whatever was in her mind, it doesn’t matter if the other person won’t like it.

Meanwhile, Maximus was a kind young boy who liked helping wherever he could. Clementia on the other hand was a mystery, her personality was the hardest to understand.

Aurelia then climbed onto Magnus’ lap and sat down proudly, “I learned how to play the piano.”

Magnus hugged his cute sister, “Really? Let me hear you play later. I don’t even know how to play the piano.”

Aurelia had stars in her eyes for knowing something her seemingly sage-like brother didn’t, “Yes, I will play it tonight. Dad said he will bring me a big beautiful piano.”

“Really? I hope he brings the best one.” Ragnar fawned over them.

“Don’t worry, I will apparate to him and make sure he gets the right one.” Magnus left away quickly.

In a luxury piano shop in London,

“Sir, this is Model D Steinway, one of the best grand pianos in the world that you can buy, the price of 20,000 pounds(£130,262 today) is absolutely fair for this piece of instrument. Made with hands with utmost care.” A salesman happily showed Adam around. His job was to buy toys for his lovely kids. His first stop was this shop.

Adam had no bloody idea about piano so he was just buying the best one, “This seems fine. Aurelia can play it for years to come.”

“Dad!” Magnus arrived soon enough.

“You’re here? Good, help me select a piano.” Adam tiredly pulled him closer.

However, Magnus was as much of a noob as Adam in this, “Well, if it’s this expensive, it must be decent. I’ve heard the company name.”

The salesman was silently going crazy at the moment, Crown Prince of the English Throne was in the shop, in front of him. But he tried to keep his professional attitude, nobody wants to be fired on Christmas.

Adam nodded, “Then I will get this.”

“WAIT! Paint it pink.” Magnus requested all of a sudden, a bit too loud, making other staff and a few rich customers look at them.

“Umm… you want this to be painted? I assure you that this instrument used the best wood out there. It’s very exotic. If you paint it, its value will decrease.” the salesman spoke, the request was too strange after all. Who paints a 20,000 pound piano?

Magnus didn’t budge, “No, her favourite colour is pink. Paint it pink and deliver it to Strawberry Hill House by evening.”

“Your Highness, even if we paint it, it will take at least 3 days for it to dry.” the man said.

“Fine, just pack it and drop it at Strawberry Hill House, I will get it painted myself,” Magnus said and left the shop with his father after paying up.

Other things that they bought were a trampoline for Maximus and an expensive radio for Clementia since she loves to listen to songs. Mostly jazz and other slow songs.”

Strawberry Hill House,

It was still an hour before the birthday party started, Edgar came rushing to the place, but only found Magnus relaxing, “What happened? You said there was an emergency.”

“Ah, thanks for coming, can you help me paint that piano pink?” Magnus requested.

Edgar blankly looked at Magnus and the piano alternatively, “You called the CEO of Emrys Construction to paint a Piano?”

“I also invited your wife and daughters, they would have loved to join the birthday party, but you didn’t bring them,” Magnus added.

“You said it was an emergency and I came,” Edgar argued.

Sighing, Magnus told him to check his phone, and that he did, “Ah, I didn’t see the next message.”

“Understandable, just call them and tell them to dress up. While we paint the piano.” Magnus got up and accio the painting tools.

It was a small birthday party, yet a lot of big names had come to be present, including the queen and a few of her children. Prince Charles, 28 years old, was also there.

He was much younger than Adam. Still, 28 for a royal prince was a big age, and since Magnus was the boss of royalties, it was his duty to make sure that Charles does not fuck up anywhere.

“You’re 28, any lady in sight you want to marry?” Magnus inquired.

“I have not yet, there was one, but shot got married and now has a kid. I do like one though, but she’s too young.” Charles replied, sounding frustrated.

“Who is she?” Ragnar asked.

“Her name is Diana, she’s 15 right now, I think I will wait.” Charles unsuspectingly said.

“Pfft… what the fuck, you’re 28, she’s a minor. Dude, no, that’s so wrong.” Ragnar spat out water.

Magnus questioned him. “True, she’s even younger than me. I hope you are mentally sound, Charles. I can’t even imagine how your wedding will work, by the time she turns 18, you’ll be 31. Ain’t that a bit too much of a difference?”

“Everything is fair in love and war,” Charles replied.

*Sigh* “You know what, if you ever do end up marrying her, make sure you treat her right, a single speck of controversy and you’re fired from the royal family. Stop going to parties too and start working somewhere, if nothing then serve in the military.” Magnus warned him and left him alone.

Severus did the same, but Ragnar eyed Charles weirdly as if looking down on him. Anyway, the birthday party continued, Queen Elizabeth treated the triplets like her own grandkids and played with them to her heart’s content.

[You can see the piano on my Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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