
Chapter 370: The Night

Chapter 370: The Night

[WARNING: Light lemon scenes.]

Well, it was not so simple to convince the Thai government as the King was not supreme here, unlike Saudi Arabia and Bhutan. Here, the King had to at least get the support of a few powerful people.

They declined outright. They were happy to get the canal but they didn’t want to sell the island or allow Magnus to interfere in their country’s internal matters. They said they didn’t want a military alliance either, as they felt they were fine with handling any border aggression on their own.

Well, 2nd day after Magnus’ initial offer, all of a sudden a Soviet Bomber flew inside Thailand’s boundaries and then returned. It happened again later, where the Soviets dropped a bomb near Laos and Thailand border.

The Thai government panicked, they had meetings day and night trying to understand what was happening. Meanwhile, Magnus was playing around with Emma.

“WOHOOO… I LOVE THIS!” Emma screamed as Magnus flew in the air in his dragon form. On top of his back, she sat while hugging his neck.

“I wish I could fly without having to turn into a dragon,” Magnus muttered.

“Mag, look, is that a magical village? I couldn’t see it before, but as soon as we entered this space I could.” Emma pointed to the ground.

Magnus looked at it, it looked more like old ancient ruins than a village, but it was true that the place was hidden not long ago. “Let’s check it out, I can see a few people there.”


Magnus landed, looking at him, all the people nearby ran as death had come. Emma awkwardly got off from his back and he also started to turn back to his human form.

“We should not have landed directly here.” He said.

“Too late, look, those guys have wands.” Emma pointed.

Magnus raised his hand, “Hello, fellow wizards. I am Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon, King of the United Kingdom. I come in peace.”

“Where is the dragon?” the wizards asked.

“It was my animagus form, friends,” Magnus replied.

“Your animagus is a dragon?” the wizards looked absolutely baffled.

But just then, a female wizard among them screeched, “AAAA… t-this… HE’S THAT WIZARD! The Golden Child!”

Magnus was confused, this was the first time he had heard such a name for himself. But seeing how the other wizards reacted to that name, he reckoned that for these people it was common.

“Golden Child what?” He asked.

“I am Vipada Suksabaijai. Sir, I’m a big fan, I have read every book about you. We call you Golden Child because of your golden hair and your background, being descendent of great Merlin. Can I have an autograph?” She was fangirling.

“Sure,” he went ahead and spoke with all of them. It turned out to be one of the thousands of such small communities spread across Thailand. They had no ministry or such thing. This one village had about 300 people living in it.

They were very warm to him and invited Magnus and Emma for a nice dinner. He agreed with them, it was good to create warm relations with wizards around the world. Their small village had everything a normal person would need, food, water and warmth in winters. But in terms of a magical community, they lacked things. Such as basic potions, books and education. Currently, they teach their kids on their own as there are no big schools in the region that accept international students. Major schools in India and China didn’t accept foreigners from countries other than those they shared their boundaries with.

This left Japan as the only other major school, but they were very conservative and didn’t take in anyone other than Japanese wizards. Korea had one big school, open for both North and South Korean wizards as wizards had no divides among themselves. This left most of South East Asia on their own, and some countries did have smaller wizarding schools but they were localised. Thailand had none, Vietnam had none.

When Magnus heard about this problem, he had a marvellous idea, ~Wait a minute, I can create smaller branches of Hogwarts around the world. I can open one in Zimbabwe and make it a partner with Uagadou school in Uganda, it’s the largest of 11 major schools. For Asia, Brunei is about to join the United Kingdom as one, I will create a sister of Hogwarts there, huge in size and same in quality, it will cater to the whole region, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Indonesia. We can have major exchange programmes between the two Hogwarts, this will bring together the entire South-East Asian wizarding community closer to the British side.~

The idea was hella revolutionary and this served his grand purpose. ~But, *sigh* I guess it’s time I take over Hogwarts board of governors.~

He celebrated with them. These people were sweet and respectful to Magnus. “I will open a magical potions and items shop in Bangkok later, you all can buy stuff at a normal price later. Spread the word to other wizards too.”

Magnus gave them this gift before leaving for Cambodia, which was now his own stronghold.

Cambodia was now a democracy, and all Communist ideologies were rooted out with the help of obliviators. It was simple to do, they just caught all the communist influencers, the big leaders and turned them into socio-capitalists. They started preaching this new thing and people followed like sheep.

His Dragon Service members showed him around, what they were doing and preparing for. They were going to open the economy soon, first only allowing low-level manufacturers to set up factories here so that people can get employment. Since the education level was not high, complex production would not really happen. The aim was to first empower the people while providing education.

Satisfied, Magnus headed to spend Emma’s birthday with her on an empty seaside resort. His gift to her was not something expensive, but very simple, “All right, my beautiful girl, you sit here and just watch me cook. Today you will eat food made exclusively by this king. Only a select few have this privilege in this world.”

She smiled widely and lovingly while looking at him, “I am blessed then. What are you cooking though?”

“A nice candlelight dinner. But I will make a pizza,” he said.

“Can’t wait.” She chirped happily.

Calm music played as Magnus cooked. The sound of the grill and food frying on it was music to ears, with the view of the sunset it got even better. With a chef’s hat and apron, Magnus cooked masterfully. Use of magic was abundant too, as he hovered over various utensils.

After an hour and a half, the sun fully disappeared and the starry sky appeared. By the sea, Magnus set up the table on a wooden platform. He put some candles on it and a pot of flowers. It only took him 5 minutes to set everything up.

Once done, he called Emma, “Come with me, Emma.”

She had changed clothes, now wore a pretty red dress, and with her red lipstick, it was a perfect match. Magnus didn’t wear anything special, just some jeans and a black hoodie.

Yet, she complimented him, “You know, you look so much hotter in casual clothes.”

He chuckled, “And you look hot in anything you wear.”

She showed a rare blush on her face. “Let’s eat, it will get cold otherwise.”

And they did, his cooking was not really a top tear, but she didn’t mind. They talked about their lives, their dreams and laughed together. Soon, they ended the dinner with tasty ice cream.


Magnus made all the stuff from the table disappear, clearing the way to move on to the next stage, the gifts. He took out a small box and opened it, it had a gold chained necklace in it, with a tiny small red stone attached to it.

Her grey eyes shone as she took it, she knew it can’t be as simple as just a necklace, “What is this red thing?”

He quickly held her hand and pulled her towards himself, to plant a kiss on her lips. After moving apart, he explained, “That is 10 drops of my blood condensed into a crystal. It has none of my DNA, but if someday you are gravely wounded, just eat that crystal, it will heal you.”

Shocked, she looked at the necklace like it was a priceless treasure, “I… I don’t have the guts to wear something like this on my neck. What if someone got to it? Your blood is precious.”

He smiled and walked behind her to tie the necklace, “Don’t worry, it’s meant to be only noticeable by you. And you must wear it at all times, Emma.” He hugged her from behind and whispered in the ear, “I don’t like the thought of losing those I love… so, you are precious to me more than to yourself.”

She giggled, “Hehe… I got a present for you as well.”

He took his seat again excitedly, “Really? What is it?”

Emma handed him a wrapped box. Her face had a blush the whole time as he opened it. When he was finally able to, Magnus laughed, “Haha… my dear, you didn’t need to give me these.”

“Is that so? Then,” She grabbed the box and threw it into the water swiftly, even more quickly she also pushed the table aside and sat down on his lap, facing him. The truth was, she knew he didn’t need it, but she wanted to use it as an excuse to start.

Magnus held her meaty waist, then slid his hands down to feel her bottom. She let out a loud breath as she felt his touch. “Let’s take this activity inside,” He stood up, she was still in his arms. *POP* He apparated away.

Inside the resort, in a bedroom, Emma found her back on a soft bed. She continued to look into his deep blue eyes, while Magnus did the same, a barrage of wet deep kisses soon followed.

A few moments later, he slid her dress down, completely out of the way. He could have used magic to get rid of clothes, but this was more fun. Now, she was in front of his eyes, all for himself to feast on. She didn’t hide anything either, openly accepting the appreciation in his eyes.

“My turn,” Magnus took off his hoody, revealing the well built muscular body. However, his smile soon faded as Emma caressed her hand on his abs and chest, all over the many scars on his front. Her eyes sparkled as tears developed.

“Disgusting, aren’t they?” He asked, holding her hand.

She quickly shook her head, “You were so young when you got these. These aren’t disgusting, they are proof of your hard work. No one in the world has any right to say you could’ve done more, because you gave your best.”

“I just… hope… they don’t increase…” She muttered. This was her first time seeing them openly, as the last time they were in bed the lights were off.

He chuckled, “Let’s forget about all this, tonight…”

“Make me forget then.” She opened her arms wide to welcome him.

The two lovers continued to do what lovers do. Emma when finally touched Magnus’ back and realised that it was completely covered in scars, some as wide as his whole back. She couldn’t imagine how much it must have hurt, but she didn’t speak anymore and tried to forget all this in the new pleasure she felt that night.

The night was long and silent, it was a first for both, but inside their room, they moved in rhythm until the morning, enjoying one other to their heart’s content as they explored each other’s bodies to each and every extent.

[You can see the village, what Emma looks like, pendant and Magnus on my Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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