
Chapter 366: The Adult Talk

Chapter 366: The Adult Talk

Lilly Evans, top of her class, amazing in potions, one of the best students of her year.

She today realised she was the dumbest girl in the school after hearing Magnus being so much in love with Emma and finding out Severus was keeping himself closer to her before and even now didn’t blame her.

Truth be told, she was one of the girls crazy for Magnus. Who isn’t? But, she tried to use her tactics of being the silent lover.

She purposefully wore a revealing dress during last year’s Christmas night, hoping to waken up Magnus’ lust. But, the opposite happened, Magnus announced that Emma was his love with the most passionate kiss she had ever seen.

Heartbroken, she was angry. Magnus didn’t even look at her, forget thinking about her. She had pushed even Severus away from herself, and now she lost it all.

Severus, her first wizard fired, the one who taught her the basics, who stayed by her side at all times, stood up against Petunia when she bullied her.

But she slowly realised she was a real bitch, accepting to date James as a discounted version of Magnus but someone leagues better looking than Severus.

Yet, she was not happy internally, that smile plastered on her face was just to fool others. Surely, academic intelligence didn’t correspond with general intelligence.

It was the 6th year officially, and the 6th year had a few privileges. One of them was a private room for all students. The reason, a lot of students leave school after their NEWTs.

Magnus had already told the elves to customise his, Severus, Emma and Ragnar. When he entered his, he whistled, “This is sweet.”. The room had a fake window that showed scenes of the outside according to the current weather. There were mats on the floor, a bed on the side of the wall with green curtains. There was even a personal bath in the corner of the room with a glass door as wall.

He rested down on the bed and fell asleep soon after.

The first class for the 7th year was Charms. Professor Flitwick proudly first told everyone about Magnus’ great scores. In NEWTs, most classes were held with students from all four houses, as the number of students significantly decreased in each class due to specialisations.

With Magnus were all his friends, since they all passed the Charms class. It started with Flitwick telling everyone that they need to start practising non-verbal spells as it’s needed to pass the N.E.W.Ts in this subject.

They started by trying the Bubble-Head Charm. Magnus and his friends knew these spells already, but only Magnus could cast them non-verbally. Well, it was obvious, if he couldn’t do this, he’d be a shame to Merlin’s name.

Night fell, everyone went to their own rooms. Magnus, however, knew that a really naughty girl was going to come, sneaking into his room. So, he planned an elaborate prank with the good lad Chad.

He put Chad in the bed on the pillow, then covered him completely, with a few more pillows under him to make it seem like someone was sleeping. Then he switched the lights off. As he expected, after about 1 hour, the door opened and a girl in a nightdress entered, she tippy-toed to his bed and grinned, “Hehe… I got you…”

In one motion, she pulled the blanket from who she guessed was Magnus. However, only a fat chubby innocent cat face was there, staring at her, “Meow…” Chad spoke up.


Magnus clapped, turning the candles on. The room was illuminated, and with that, he saw Emma. *Whistle* I like what I’m seeing.” he complimented, she was wearing a short net-like negligee under her silk robes that were not really tied correctly.

She blushed and teased, “Wanna see more?”

He chuckled, walking closer to her to grasp her in his arm, “Are you sure we should be doing this in school?”

She rolled her eyes, “Come on, we’re old enough, and we’ve got a private room now. Besides, this is the most exciting time of our lives, Magnus. Don’t tell me you don’t want this?” She dropped her robes completely down to her ankles, revealing her amazing form, with the curves in the right spots. The negligee only covered until upper thighs, the rest was for his eyes to devour. Then there were the little snippets of her skin, teasingly showing themselves from her net-like clothes.

“You know what, Emma, you are absolutely right.” He pulled her in and slammed his lips onto her. *CLAP CLAP* With that, the lights also went out, Chad was swiftly thrown out of the bed and they occupied it. However, they always kept it in mind to not cross the line in their heat.

The next morning, the curtains on their own slid away, letting the morning light enter. The naked bodies of the two remained wrapped around each other as they woke up. Magnus caressed her warm back while thinking something, “Emma, want to go to Thailand with me? Us two can celebrate your birthday there, while I also have some work.”

“Can we? leaving school is prohibited.” She said, although she wanted to go. Heck, she’d go to hell if Magnus invited her.

He tapped on her forehead strongly, “Dummy, did you forget who I am? I am now officially the Crown Prince, I can basically do everything that a king can, just without much celebration. I have permission from the school to continue to do my muggle work as well, since it’s important.”

“But… I’m not that magnificent in studies like you, they won’t let me go.” She complained.

He laughed and held her tight, once again starting what they did at night, “You’re my girl now, who dares stop you? And if it’s about studies, then I’m sure you will love a few… private tutoring from me.”

She licked her lips and agreed wholeheartedly, “Can I take a trial class right now… professor?”

“Oh, the class has already started, my horny student”

They were surely pretty horny. But, it could be understood, along with their feeling of love, there were also many teenage hormones involved.

After 2 hours of morning exercise, the two arrived at the breakfast table, looking all fresh. Ragnar sniffed something in the air and sneered, “God damn, get a hold of yourself, you two. Horny bunch of fools.”

Emma scoffed, “Huh, you’re just jealous because you’ve got nobody to have some action with.”

“Like in hell I’d want that, I am only into potions.” Ragnar dismissed such an idea.

Magnus sighed, “Then I feel gravely worried for the many test tubes in your lab.”

Ragnar didn’t get it initially, “What do y… ah… YOU DRAGON BITCH!”

*Cough* “Mr Pendragon, may I have a word with you? In my office.” Dumbledore walked up to them and called him.

Thinking it must be important, he followed the old man to his office and took a seat like he owned the place. Fawkes was also there and gave a fist bump. He was a real bro, already a father of two.

“What happened, professor?” He asked.

Dumbledore looked uncomfortable, “Umm… son, I wanted to talk to you about. Well, you should know better not to do such things. It’s not the time and place for it, try to tone it down as to not make others uncomfortable.”

“What are you talking about?” he inquired confusedly.

“You and Emma, son, a few of your neighbours complained to me that they heard some noises at night. Loud moaning noises.” Dumbledore had a blush at this point. He wasn’t really experienced in sex-ed after all.

Magnus burst into laughter, “Pfft… hahaha… you should have said that directly. Hehe, it’s fine, professor, we’re both at the right age and smart enough. We love each other and enjoy being close. About the complaints… I’ll see who did it, though I will fully soundproof the walls now.”

Dumbledore was annoyed, he wanted Magnus to stop, “No, Magnus, I need you to stop, or I will be forced to add some new rules that are magically enforced.”

Magnus frowned, “Professor, if you don’t like girls, that doesn’t mean you have to stop all those who do. And if you want to go ahead, then do it, bring in new rules. I will simply leave the school with Emma, I’ll teach her everything myself.”

He had Merlin too, after all. Why would he submit to Dumbledore now? He didn’t want to stop the fun activities with Emma at any cost.

Well, Magnus’s first words hit the old man hard. Indeed, he didn’t understand the interest between a man and a woman right. But when he thought about his own experience with his lover, well that changed everything. “Fine, but make sure no sound comes out. And don’t cross the line.”

He chuckled, “Sure, professor, besides, there are hundreds of ways to have fun without crossing the lines. Oh, one more thing, I’m leaving for Thailand tomorrow, it’s an official visit, I will be meeting the Thai King, Bhumibol Adulyadej.”

Dumbledore nodded, this was already agreed previously, “Bring any exotic potions and books you find there. I think the school can do research on them and see if we can add something new to the curriculum. We have a lot more foreign students these years, all thanks to you.”

“Deal, see you later.” he silently left, not telling that he was also taking Emma.

[You can see New room and Emma’s dress on my Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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