
Chapter 310 - 310. Three New Royals




Many words were spoken in the morning when the doctors checked the little baby. She now looked completely healthy and full of life, her face had also returned to normal human skin.

She looked left and right with her dark eyes, curious about everything. She didn\'t cry, however, even though many instruments were connected to her that made various sounds.

When the doctors saw her, they felt like they were hallucinating. They had even prepared for the worst, knowing the true condition of the baby. She was too weak. But it seems she pulled through.

They picked up the baby girl, wrapped her in a soft blanket and brought her to Grace.. "Ma\'am, she looks to be completely fine, and no complications remain in her body. It\'s like... magic."

Grace looked at Magnus for a split second and took the baby in her arms, "Yes, it probably is some kind of magic."

Magnus meanwhile held his other little sister in his arms, while Ragnar held his little brother. Both of them were identical twins, with blonde hair. The only difference was in their gender.

"Aw... my cute little sister. I am Magnus, your big brother." He tried to introduce himself to the tiny baby, who was silently looking at his face that appeared to be that of a giant for her.


She raised her arm and lightly tapped on Magnus\' nose. Magnus felt like a shockwave went down his body. Her soft little hand was way too cute. "I... I am melting."

Beside him, Ragnar had the same situation, the baby boy was the same as the girl, but he instead mistakenly poked Ragnar\'s eye. "Ah... hehe... no problem. Even if you turn me blind, I won\'t mind."

"Your Highness, I need to return to the palace and prepare for the royal announcement." The royal gynaecologist spoke to Adam.

Adam just shrugged, "Sure, go ahead. But I won\'t allow anyone to take pictures of my children."

"That we will assure. I shall take my leave." The man left. He truly was a different breed, acting like he was some sort of a high-born. Not even knowing that the true boss was Magnus.

Magnus walked beside his mum and picked the other sister in his arms. Now he had two. His heart warmed and he felt a tickling sensation in his body, "I\'m the luckiest brother in the world, my sweethearts."


This time, the black-haired one caught Magnus\' fingers with her fluffy palm. That was the best feeling in the world for him. "Mum, don\'t worry. I take their responsibility. Nobody will step even ten metres closer to you that you don\'t allow."


Chad suddenly jumped over the bed and showed his cute round eyes to Magnus and tongue, as if asking to see the little humans.

Magnus warned him at first, "No, you\'re a dirty cat."

Chad rested on his hindlegs and showed himself licking his front paws, then he showed them to Magnus, as if saying, "See, they\'re clean."

Magnus couldn\'t say no to him now, it would be cruelty. Chad only had a language barrier, after all, rest he had a pretty high level of emotions and thought.

"Okay, jump over my shoulder and look at them. But without touching, their skin is very sensitive." He allowed.

"Meww..." Chad acknowledged and jumped.

He stared at the two babies, the babies did the same. It was as if they were bonding. But then Magnus put the two back in Grace\'s arms.

Chad jumped over and sat down just beside Grace, overlooking the babies. "You want to guard them?" Magnus asked.

Chad nodded his fluffy head with utmost resolve. Grace picked Chad and hugged him, "Awww... You are the best cat in the world, Chad. Come, sit closer to me so I can pat you."

If Chad could speak, he would have thanked her and called her mum.

Leaving the fluffy things aside, Ragnar dragged Magnus to the side and asked, "What did you do? Tell me the truth, Mag."

Magnus sighed, "It was taboo magic, Rag. Merlin taught me. Her body lacked vitality and strength. So I had to give her my own. It\'s blood magic, where I imbued my energy in a single drop of my blood.

"If one was to do this too much, he would die. But I didn\'t have to put in too much. Anyway, I fed her a drop of blood in the night."

Rag was worried about something else, "Don\'t tell me, you lost the energy forever now."

Magnus rejected, "No, but it will be restored slowly now, it might take a month."

Ragnar sighed, "Man, you\'re crazy. And they call me crazy. But I guess, thanks for saving her."

"Rag, I feel that mum suspects that I did something. Don\'t tell her anything, just say it was some alchemical potion." Magnus requested him. Grace would probably feel worried just hearing that the magic was called blood magic." Magnus said.

Ragnar patted his shoulder, "Don\'t worry, Mag. Come, aren\'t we about to inaugurate the hospital today? I should give some energy potions to mum so she can at least come with us to see the main gate. Then we will give her a tour of the whole campus in the roofless car."

"Nice plan,"


In Buckingham Palace, it was announced to the residents that the Royal Family now has three new royals. But, some were salty because of this, as this meant some people will get pushed down further in the line of succession.

Magnus was already second in line, Ragnar third. Now the three more babies took the position of 4th, 5th and 6th.

Queen was happy though, she had long forgotten to be salty about what had happened. From what she could see, Magnus was good for the country. So, she ordered all the normal ceremonial steps be taken.

Immediately, a bulletin was placed on a golden easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace. It didn\'t mention the names of the babies, just their genders and health.

It was customary for a birth announcement to be followed by a royal gun salute. So volleys were fired by soldiers in Hyde Park and the Tower of London to honour her arrival. Then, soldiers from The King\'s Troop Royal Horse Artillery rode out in a procession from Wellington Barracks, near Buckingham Palace, to fire 41 shots. Then finally, the Honourable Artillery Company also fired a 62-gun salute at the Tower of London.

By now, most people had realised that something major must have happened. And since if it was a royal death, the gun salute would be made after the announcement, people automatically assumed it was birth.

And when people turned on their televisions, news reporters were already swarming at the gates of the Hospital, talking about triplets being born to Princess Grace. However, one thing made people curious, the large entrance gate\'s top was covered with a large cloth for some reason.


In the hospital, Magnus, Ragnar, Grace and Adam were discussing what to name the babies.

"It has to be something regal, fitting names for my little siblings," Magnus demanded.

Ragnar nodded, "Yes... absolutely. They are little prince and princesses. We must make sure people respect them. We can\'t have them be named Bobby or something."

"HEY! MY NAME\'S NOT BAD!" Bobby\'s protest came. He was just standing at the door.

Magnus laughed, "Of course, your real name is much cooler. Brandon Steel Armstrong. That\'s a cool name."

"But the majority know me as Bobby. Gah... I sound like some illegal drug dealer." Bobby was disheartened. But, he soon became delighted when he saw the babies.

"Hello there, you three. I\'m your big brother, Bobby. I am super rich and intelligent. If you want to study something in the future, you know where to find me." Bobby said boastfully. But he sounded shameless since he was complaining about his name not long ago and here he was, introducing himself as such.


All of a sudden Chad hissed at Bobby, who was trying to lightly poke the cheeks of one. "Come on, Chad. I\'ve fed you so much in the past. Have you forgotten the debt you owe me?"

Chad ignored him and shielded the babies. Grace and Magnus chuckled. Ragnar patted Bobby\'s shoulder, "Chad is a responsible boy now,"

"NYAA!..." Chad agreed.

It was still morning, so Magnus let Grace rest, while Ragnar and Martha gave her many strength potions to keep her body well. She took them without a single complaint, knowing they were for her good.

It was Christmas day, meaning that many presents would be there. Magnus had already started to get a few owls, bringing his packages. Abe from the house would pop up every once in a while, bringing them to the hospital.

One particular package caught Magnus\' eye. It was from Professor McGonagall. She never gave him presents before. So he opened it and checked.

Taking the cover off, he found a green coloured sweater, hand-knitted. Magnus realised this was the sweater that the professor was knitting in the infirmary.

With the sweater was also a small card. He opened it read it. "Thank you for being the fire that burns the dark clouds that were looming over the magical world."

He smiled, ~Since when did the stern old professor McGonagall become so emotional?"~

[You can see Chad on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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