
Chapter 303 - 303. Gringotts Fallen

Magnus looked at himself in the mirror. This ointment he had asked the best alchemist, old Nicolas, to make. And certainly, it was better than any product available in the market.

He couldn\'t see any injury marks on his face. So he picked up his small bag, put Summer on his shoulder and walked out of the compartment.

However, as soon as he got out, the parents of all students stopped. They stared at him with reverence in their eyes and some saw him with fear.


Don\'t know who it was, but someone started this chant. And soon, everyone followed with their own versions. They clapped, they cheered him on like he was some sort of messiah.

Magnus just waved and quickly made his way towards the exit where Adam was waiting for him with his muggle bodyguards who were useless since he had wizards as bodyguards too.

"Dad," Magnus and Ragnar gave Adam a hug. Emma and Severus greeted him. But they didn\'t find Grace anywhere.

"Where is mum?" Ragnar inquired.

"She\'s in the car. I had to force her to stay there. Now let\'s go quick or else she might come here." Adam hastened.

Emma and Severus said a quick goodbye and left with their families since they were going to apparate away.

Magnus walked beside his father, thinking why Adam didn\'t ask him why people were calling his name so much. But soon enough, he received the answer.

"I didn\'t let Grace read the Wizard newspapers, Mag," Adam said.

Magnus and Ragnar immediately understood what he meant, that he knew everything. The papers after all proudly worked overtime to make Magnus famous around the world.

"Thank you, dad." He replied.

*Sigh* "I wish I had shot the gun those years ago at that beardy old man. I can already guess you will be fighting more and more in the future since he lived." Adam worriedly spoke. No matter how chill he was, Magnus was still his son and he cared for him deeply. He might not be as overprotective and emotional as Grace, but he always had Magnus\' safety in his mind.

Magnus nodded, "Dad, you should understand. Voldemort is like Hitler but on steroids and much more power. As long as he lives, I, you, mum and the world will be in danger.

"But don\'t worry, with time, I\'m also getting stronger. If I was able to wound him today, I will be able to behead him tomorrow."

Ragnar agreed, "Yes, dad. Don\'t worry, the magical world is still relatively safe for us."

"I hope you\'re right," Adam muttered. Hope, that was all he could do.

Magnus and Ragnar arrived at the long limo-like car, but it wasn\'t a limo for sure.

"MAGNUS! RAGNAR!" Grace\'s voice reached the two and they ran to her and hugged her softly.

Magnus jokingly poked her inflated belly, "Mum, you\'ve grown fat."

Hearing this, Grace burst into laughter, "Haha... well, a small price to pay to give you a sibling. Get in the car, let\'s go home. Today, I have cooked myself."

"Mom, you need to rest." Ragnar nagged her. Oh, how the tables had turned.

Inside the car, Martha was also sitting. Magnus and Ragnar gave her a hug too and thanked her for taking care of Grace.

"Oh dear, Grace is like a daughter to me. And I should thank you instead for making them draw good books." She said, basically talking about Batman and Superman comics. She was a fan since both of them had mothers named Martha.


Magnus reached home. And the moment he got out of the car, he saw a ball of black fluff running to him and jumping to hug him.

Magnus caught Chad in his arms, "Boy, why do I feel you got fatter?"

"Meow Meow..." Chad pointed at his tummy.

"You mean it\'s just the fur? Alright, I believe you. Thank you for keeping mum entertained." He praised the cat. Chad proudly raised his head and nodded.

He put Chad down and let him hug Summer. Both of them then ran inside the house to play. They probably missed playing together a lot.

They all went inside and had lunch together. Magnus asked her about her health.

"I\'m fine and fit. Martha has been giving me many potions and herbs. I\'m physically and mentally healthy. Doctors said the baby will be born near Christmas. So I will get admitted to the hospital a week before." She excitedly revealed.

"Hmm, so it\'s going to be the 18th? Mum, I have hired the best obstetrician-gynaecologist in the world. She\'s currently working in the new hospital that opened near Richmond Park. Even its official opening is coming soon." Magnus started his plans for the big day. The surprise he had been working on for a year and a half.

"But... the queen said that only a royal administration approved doctor can operate on a royal." She said.

Magnus scoffed, "Huh, can they hire the world\'s best obstetrician-gynaecologist? I paid her 300,000 dollars to come here and take care of you. And besides, I do not trust the royals. They have not yet passed the inheritance act in the parliament and I have not been named the crown prince. What if they try to do something to the baby?"

She softly caressed his hair, "Fine, I will do as my little king says."

"Hehe... don\'t worry, I, Martha and a doctor from Saint Mungo will be there too. If any complications come, magic can solve it." Magnus assured her.

"And I will be there too with my whole potion box," Ragnar said, only to get pats on the head.

Both of them put their heads on her lap and rested. Ragnar dreamt of having a little brother, Magnus dreamt of having a little sister.


But then Magnus\' godforsaken phone rang. He curses it for spoiling his calming day. It was from Wim, CEO of MagicMade.

"What? It\'s not even been a day since I returned home," he annoyedly spoke.

But a crying voice came from the other side, "Waaa... boss, help me. This mad man, he has destroyed my sleep. I sent him to the police station too, but he returned after one night. He sleeps and lives just outside the building."

"What? Who are you talking about?" Magnus inquired.

"It\'s some mad movie director from Hollywood. He came here after watching the premiere of the Haunted movie. He says he wants to learn special effects from you as he has plans for a big high-tech space-alien war movie." Wim explained his situation.


"Fine, tell him I will come to the studio tomorrow morning... at 10. Tell him to go to a hotel and freshen up there until then." Magnus ordered and hung up.

Once again, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the head massage Grace was giving both her sons. She caressed their hair.


"MOTH..." Magnus nearly cursed. This time it was Goldruk, the boss Goblin from Camelot.

"Yes?" he picked.

Goldruk\'s excited voice came, "Your Majesty, WE WON! GRINGOTTS IS OURS NOW!"


Magnus stood up, all his tiredness and anger disappeared, replaced with an excited and happy face. "Really? What\'s the current status?"

"I was elected as the Managing Director of the World Gringotts Council. We rule over Gringotts around the whole world now." Goldruk replied, giving the greatest news Magnus had received in a long time.

"Good good, I want you to seal vaults related to all Death Eaters and known Dark Wizards who support Voldemort. And I\'m talking about vaults around the whole world." He gave the first order.

"It\'ll be done, boss. Um... where shall all the confiscated money and items go to?" Goldruk asked. He was a Goblin of Camelot, hence, in his eyes, all that existed in Gringotts didn\'t hold much value, as he owned treasures worth much more. But what he did value were the Goblin forges and smiths.

Magnus thought about it, "Hmm, I will use it for the betterment of mankind. Make a new large vault in the safest region and dump it all there. Once you are done confiscating, count it and give me the report. That\'ll be all."

He dropped the call after that. Finally, nobody called and he was able to fall asleep right in his mum\'s lap. And truly, it was the best sleep he had in the whole half-year spent in Hogwarts.



"My lord, what do we do? All our money is gone." Bellatrix scaredly asked.

Voldemort\'s face scowled, for an entirely different reason. The Hufflepuff cup was in Bellatrix\'s vault after all.

~Hmm, they don\'t even know about the Horcruxes.~ Voldemort thought. Then he looked back at her, "YOU... You are the last person surviving from the Lestrange family now. Rodolphus is gone, I want you to give all your inheritance to Lucius.

"Lucius shall eventually have a child and transfer everything to it. That mudblood prince was only able to seal our vaults because we stood against him. When Lucius\' child grows, by birth and ancient law, the vaults will belong to the child." Voldemort planned evilly.

Bellatrix, not even asking a question, agreed, "Wonderful plan, my lord. Your genius knows no bounds."

Voldemort just smiled smugly. It was clear he liked being praised.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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