
Chapter 291 - 291. DECLARATION OF WAR!

"How can you differentiate between who is good and who is bad? Do you have any proof?" Patriarch of Black family shouted. He knew Magnus was going to attack them with his schemes.

Magnus silently took out a file from a huge stack of files on his table. "Ah, yes, the Black family. Arcturus Black III, you bribed Ignatius Tuft, then minister for magic, and countless other ministry employees with gold. All the transactions have been verified by the Gringotts and testimony of the surviving wizards who took bribes have been received. You used dishonest means to get an Order of Merlin First Class.

"And let\'s not forget, you are the grandfather(not directly) of Narcissa Malfoy née Black, married to the now confirmed, one of the closest death eaters to Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy. Your granddaughter, Bellatrix Lestrange née Black, is now a lapdog of Voldemort.

"Tell me why your house shouldn\'t be dragged into the mud? Time and time again you have stood against the magical community and tried to destroy it from within. Corruption, illegal magic and worship to a dark lord, all these are crimes in the eyes of the law."

Arcturus Black III was enraged by this allegation, "House of Black is one of the purest and most ancient houses in this county, this is slandering over our name. Everyone, do you accept this? A boy... passing judgement on our families, stepping on our names."





Although the crowd that was shouting was small, when multiple stupid people shout together it usually sounds very loud and also clouds the judgement of a few normal ones too.

Magnus, not even breaking a sweat, picked another file, "Lord of Avery family, one of your family members is currently in Azkaban for planning an attack on my life in my first year, he had a Dark Mark on him. Lord Carrow of House Carrow, your son and daughter have joined Voldemort as his Death Eaters, your daughter was killed in the recent attack on me in Hogsmeade.

"Lord Corban Yaxley... AURORS! ARREST THIS MAN. LORD YAXLEY, You came with Voldemort as one of his Death Eaters two days ago. You thought you could get away due to your mask? You shall be put in prison, then in a public trial you will speak the truth."

Magnus\' orders were loud and clear. No one dared to speak at that moment and most of the good families were actually rejoicing and didn\'t mind Magnus taking just authority.


Minister for Magic, Eugenia, shrugged, "He has the authority, I gave him. So please cooperate."

Magnus didn\'t give him another chance, "Ah... Lord Nott, one of the closet Death Eaters."

People gasped at this accusation. Nott family was one of the Sacred twenty-eight. They enjoyed the same status as the Malfoy family used to.

"AURORS! CHECK HIS WRISTS." Magnus ordered.

Immediately two Ministry Aurors entered with Moody in the lead. He had a smirk on his face, clearly enjoying this. He pointed his wand at Nott to make sure he does not do anything stupid.

Nott was scared now, he damned himself for opening his mouth. Moody ordered him, "Cooperate with us, it can end quicker this way."

The two Aurors quickly held him and forced his sleeves up. Everyone saw his wrists, they were clean, not even a shadow of a dark mark. But before Nott could take a sigh of relief, Moody pointed his wand, "Revelio!"

This was all that was needed. This spell was used to reveal concealed objects, messages, invisible things, and passages. It could also be used to reveal the true appearance of someone who changed their appearance with a spell.


The Dark mark appeared, as clear as a day. Nott slumped and fell to his knees with a thud. It was over, his family, the legacy was over. Magnus sighed and ordered, "CHECK EVERYONE\'S WRISTS. Who knows how many more are hiding here."


The door slammed open and tens of Aurors entered, the hall that used to look big now seemed crowded. However, Aurors didn\'t have as many powerful men, so Magnus\' Army of Merlin was here to help, disguised as Aurors.

Most families that had nothing to do with the Dark Lord obediently did as asked and cleared off their name. Most troublemakers though were mainly families from Sacred Twenty-Eight.


"SECTUMSEMPRA!" Magnus countered in less than half the time and sent the cruse zooming at the man. He flew back a few feet and fell down with dozens of deep cuts over his body.

Magnus was, on the other hand, surprised, ~Woah... Sev made a pretty good spell.~

He focused back, "PLEASE COOPERATE! NO BLOOD NEEDS TO BE SPILLED. At most, you shall go to Azkaban." Of course, Magnus was against sending them there and instead wanted to kill them. But ending so many heads of big families in such a short time would paint Magnus as the bad guy among the people. Hence, he decided to keep it slow and covert. They will die eventually. After all, accidents do happen.

After the event of Magnus\' counter, nobody dared to make any moves. Magnus eyed everyone. He was surprised that the Greengrass family came out to be clean, as they were one of the vocal supporters of pureblood theory. Black Family was a smart one though, they never directly got involved with Voldemort, it was always some family member but the main family members never did it. This always saved them.

But not today. Although they won\'t go to Azkaban, they will face economical losses. Magnus waited for 9 members of the sacred twenty-eight to be arrested and taken away. Not all of them were Wizengamot members, Magnus had invited lords of all notable families, and these ones dug their own grave by coming here.

Magnus landed the next bomb, "All those named today, your Gringotts vaults shall be sealed from now on and your properties will now be under the care of the Ministry, meaning you can not sell it or do any business from it. This ban will continue until our investigation is done and all supporters of Voldemort are found."

Magnus expected some of them to protest, but it seems they had accepted their defeat for now. So he continued with the final announcement.

"For god\'s sake, I am just a kid, and I have to fight that monster for my survival. He killed 5 kind wizards a few days ago, he attacked little children of Hogwarts, I had to fight an army of werewolves. Why? DOES YOUR BLOOD NOT BOIL? WHO IS VOLDEMORT? What right does he have to decide who is a blood traitor, who doesn\'t deserve to live and have magic? HE\'S A LOWLY INSECT... One that bites and infects. He has already infected so many of our ancient magical families, but no more.

"Gone are the days when the Ministry did nothing, it feared the dark lord, it feared the public, it feared the families that supported the Dark Lord. From today onwards, I am declaring, jointly with Minister, VOLDEMORT IS THE MOST WANTED GLOBAL TERRORIST, his army is an illegal organisation and everyone in it is a terrorist. 1,676 wizards, men, women and children have been murdered by them until now. That\'s 1,676 wizards dead who could have increased the magical population by thousands. THEY KILLED OUR COMMUNITY\'S FUTURE!

"WE MUST GET THEM JUSTICE. A warrant is being issued, all Death Eaters and Dark Wizards are to be caught dead or alive.

"WE ARE IN THE STATE OF WAR. IF YOU WANT A FUTURE FOR YOUR KIDS, IT\'S TIME TO FIGHT. The ministry is going to develop a strike battalion of 900 wizards. We must not rest until Voldemort is dead. And this is the best chance as he is weak. Why must we wait until the situation becomes so bad that we must fight? Why not now? Maybe your children won\'t have to fight him then.

"For as long as he lives, we can never sleep calmly at night. Our families can never roam the streets safely. So we must fight. I myself will fight. YES, MY BLOOD WILL BE SPILT... BUT FOR EVERY DROP, I SHALL BRING DOWN 10 OF THEM, THAT I PROMISE!. So, those who are in favour of this decision, RAISE YOUR HANDS."

There was silence in the hall. What Magnus was suggesting was an all-out war. Something that was done before, only at the brink of collapse does the wizarding community act. This was the case with Grindelwald and they expected the same here. But Magnus suggested they take offence.

When nobody raised their hand, one wrinkly hand rose, it was Dumbledore, on his left stood Flamel and on his right stood Newt. He spoke calmly in an old hoarse voice, "I am quite old. I have seen what the last war did. Both magical and muggle. War does bring misery and death to both sides. But... war is a necessary tool for our freedom. If we didn\'t fight, we\'d be living under the tyranny of Grindelwald right now. If we don\'t fight Voldemort, forget about freedom.

"Here we have a young boy, merely 13 years old, ready to fight. Why? Why did he save hundreds of our good men that night by fighting the thousands of werewolves alone? Because he values the life of good people above all. And if we don\'t end Voldemort, muggle wizards will be killed, half-bloods will be treated worse than house-elfs. Those pure-bloods who didn\'t support will be called blood traitors and their properties will be confiscated.

"We have... A young Merlin, a dragon... leading us. Magnus is strong and wise. What do we have to fear? Death? I am ready to lay my life if it means the end of Voldemort. I agree with Mr Pendragon\'s proposal. WE SHALL FIGHT!"

Dumbledore raised his arm, along with him all of the Order of the Phoenix members present there also raised hands. Newt and Flamel as well. Magnus was already doing it, Minister too. Seeing so many raised hands, slowly people started to gather courage. One by one, all 149 people present there raised their hands. Even Arcturus Black III and other pure-blood supremacists raised them, they feared that they would be labelled as traitors to wizardkind if they didn\'t do it. After all, it was true that Voldemort had killed many pureblood families by calling them blood-traitors.

With unanimous voting in the agreement of the proposal, Eugenia signed the papers, the Death warrants of Voldemort and all his supporters. Her seat as minister was confirmed now for as long as she sided with Magnus.

Finally, today the magical world saw Magnus in action for the first time. Not only did he cleanse the Wizengamot in one fell swoop but also initiated the offence on Voldemort.


Next Morning,

Countless owls left the post offices and various business offices to deliver today\'s newspaper to the whole of the United Kingdom. Many stacks were sent around the world in big bundles through portkeys.

They were even sent to families that didn\'t subscribe to the paper as today\'s edition was free, only Magnus\' paper though. But the news was the same on the front page of each paper.

There was a giant headline with a whole page group photo of everyone that was present in Wizengamot Hall. In the middle were Magnus, Eugenia who held the declaration, Dumbledore, Flamel, Newt and all other big names.


It was certainly not going to be calm anytime soon in Europe in the coming years, as the game of cat and mouse began.


In Hogwarts, Severus read the news and felt pumped, he quickly got up from his bed in the infirmary and went to Professor McGonagall, "Professor, look."

Surprisingly, McGonagall was knitting a sweater with her hands, it was her way of relaxing. She smiled and took the paper from Severus and read it. It left her in shock and at the same time a shiver went down her body, activating goosebumps. A proud smile appeared on her face, "Now he looks like a KING."

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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