
Chapter 188 - 188. Bumper Harvest

"Phew... that was exhausting. Why are there so many people gathered outside our house? When will they leave?" Grace muttered as she relaxed on the sofa.

Adam walked behind her and started to massage her shoulder. "My dear wife, get used to it. Don\'t forget, all this will double when Magnus takes the throne and continues to create miracles." ​​

Magnus smiled and laid down on the sofa beside Grace, putting his head on her lap. "Don\'t worry, mum. Our lives won\'t be disturbed."


Ragnar also laid down on her other side and put his head on the other lap. "Yes, we are Wizards after all."

She smiled and pulled their cheeks, "Of course, I got my two little naughty witches."

Magnus jokingly cried, "Aaaa... mummy, if you want a girl so much then why don\'t you give me a little cute sister? Just like that Ava."

Grace blushed.

Ragnar also spoke in favour, "Yes yes, I will cherish her with all my life. My cute little sister."

"Hun-hun..." Magnus nodded profusely.

Meanwhile, Adam continued to massage Grace\'s shoulder, but he looked at his sons with a grateful expression. ~My sweet sons, you are the best.~

He always wanted a little daughter he could dote on. But Grace never agreed to another child, because they were busy.

Grace ignored their talks and silently went to the kitchen, telling them that she needed to cook. This was always her reaction when she didn\'t have answers.

They had a sumptuous dinner that night and went to sleep in their rooms.


3 AM,

Magnus and his family were asleep in their warm comfy beds in the chilling winter. Everyone was in their dreamlands.

But, some sad wizards had come to kidnap the only person they should not. They had come all the way from Japan, on this intense mission.

For this mission, they had prepared very well. First of all, they got the plans for the whole house from the public works department. They silently kept an eye on the house and figured out where Magnus sleeps at night.

Once they had confirmed all this, they decided to proceed with the kidnapping. They were confident in their skills, as they were internationally renowned for their secret assassination, kidnapping and espionage work.

The 5 member team surrounded the whole location first and put muggle repellant charm so that nobody could call the police while they were busy.

Then they made the muggle security fall unconscious. Now, to them, the whole path was clear.

The 5 of them regrouped and arrived on the balcony of Magnus\' room.

"Where is the portkey? We will go back to Japan with the kid. His fate will be decided by the ones who hired us then." Their team leader briefed the team first.

As everyone nodded, they proceeded to open the glass door.


Like thieves being caught by the police. They looked back in shock and wands out. But their arms just fell down.

There were about 20 wizards, all had their wands out and pointed at them. There were 3 wizards for each attacker. They were heavily outnumbered.

Their minds were unable to comprehend why there were so many Wizards here, what was so special inside this house?

What they didn\'t know was that they were under the radar ever since they arrived here. But because they didn\'t do anything nobody bothered. Though it was still reported to the ministry and they increased the number of Wizards.

"Put the wands on the ground, or the next thing you will see will be fireworks from our wands."

The 5 Wizards slowly put their wands down. They didn\'t want to die for a kidnapping mission. They may be Japanese, but they didn\'t carry the stupid honour that glorifies committing suicide.

Besides, they were Wizards. The wizarding government of Japan wouldn\'t let anything happen to them as Wizards were very important for any country since not many are born.

At least this was what they thought until the reason for their arrest was read to them.

"You are hereby under arrest for attempting to kidnap his Majesty, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon, lord of the most ancient house of Emrys and the heir to King Arthur Pendragon. He\'s also a member of the Wizengamot, this makes your attempted kidnapping an attack on the British Wizarding government."

As soon as they heard this, their bodies became cold, and they started sweating.


Magnus appeared from inside his room, rubbing his eyes. "What happened? Why so much noise?"

"Your Majesty, these 5 men came here to kidnap you\'" the auror informed him.

Magnus, as if heard the biggest joke of the century, laughed. Then he looked at the 5 men under restraint.

"Are you stupid? Kidnap me? Hell, you can\'t even kidnap my pet cat. And he\'s FAT!." Magnus said loudly.

The 5 started to plead for forgiveness. But Magnus just yawned, "The Ministry will handle you. Since you dared to commit a crime in magical Britain, against the royal family, they have the authority to kill you. But I will be gracious enough to let you go alive, of course, after chopping your hands so you don\'t ever hold a wand. Now, I need to go back to my beauty sleep."


Magnus loudly closed the door and went back to dreamland. The Aurors were a bit taken aback. The punishment Magnus just gave was not much different from death for a wizard.


Next Morning,


"What\'s the matter, sweetie, didn\'t you sleep last night?" Grace asked Magnus as he arrived at the dining room.

"No, mum. Just some unpleasant dreams and mosquitoes. What about you? Didn\'t you sleep? Why are there dark circles under your eyes?" Magnus asked her in confusion.

But Grace blushed instead, "It\'s nothing, it goes and comes. Oh, did you read that news? The new giant hospital near Richmond Park has just completed its main construction, and it will be open by this time next year. I wonder if I can work there if I take retirement."

~Mum, you will own the hospital.~ Magnus said to himself. He couldn\'t wait to surprise Grace when it\'s complete.

"Sure, any hospital that has you will be lucky. And mum, I will be going to the Ministry of Magic, have some important work to do there. Will you be going to work?" Magnus asked.

"I will," Grace replied.

"I won\'t, I was given leave from work to perfect my car and test the battery," Adam said.

"Okay then, be safe, mum. Bye Bye, I will be going." Magnus finished eating and asked George to drop him off at the Ministry.


Ministry of Magic, Underground Prison,

"So, why did they try to kidnap me?" Magnus arrived and asked. The five wizards were now nearly naked, except their underwears. They were held in the air with magic.

"Here, they are members of the Japanese Yakuza. They were hired to kidnap you to put pressure on your father, so he will release the patents for some... battery?" The auror in charge explained, though he had no clue what this battery was. He had never heard of such a magical artefact.

As soon as this was spoken, Ragnar laughed madly, "AHAHAHA... oh god, whoever hired them sure doesn\'t love their money,"

He was right, they were going to regret it. Magnus was known to extort money from those who did him wrong. And these people tried to invade his dear home. They will have to pay big money. It was going to be a bumper harvest.


The next day,

On the desks of the CEOs of the 4 companies, a paper was found. It didn\'t have much written on it, there were just the details of a Gringotts account and 20,000,000(115,352,746 today) pounds number and some words which said, "MY MONEY WHERE?"

They had gotten the information from the Ministry of Magic of Japan by now. They were scolded by them for trying to plot against the descendant of Merlin.

They felt like bashing their heads on the wall now, but it was too late. They knew that along with signing the cheque to give the money, they would also have to sign their resignation letter.

Meanwhile, Magnus just made 80,000,000 pounds. He could have asked for more but he didn\'t want to destroy relations with these companies as he needed to do business with them later. Now, with this much amount, they will feel regret and not anger.


The reaction of the people was mixed when it came to the Queen\'s announcement. But overall it was all very positive.

On one side, there were hardcore Monarchy supporters, who cried for the queen and all the pain she had to suffer. They sympathised with Adam and wholeheartedly welcomed him into the royal family. They were probably just happy that the new prince was super smart and a great inventor. Now they could boast around why the Monarchy was the best.

Then on the other side, there were neutral people, who didn\'t care much about the crown. But they still supported Adam, wanting him to be the crown prince because he was smart and a man of science. They demanded that the tax money they spend on parties be given to Adam so he may create something good out of it.

The only opposition was from some ultra haters of the crown, who would rather see Buckingham Palace burn to ashes than it become the new centre for innovation and the nation\'s development.

But, in all this, the media was playing a big narrative control role. They were constantly making everyone remember the achievements of Magnus, Adam and Grace. This was being pushed by Queen\'s office herself.

Only Ragnar was left out as he had his achievements in the Magical world so he couldn\'t have fame yet.

Magnus even made the news channels take Bobby\'s name, telling everyone that they were best friends. This will help Bobby and the Futuretek company.

But the toughest phase was yet to come when Magnus would take the throne at the age of just 18. He would need to create a good image for himself before that happens.

~Hmm, what can blow people\'s minds and make me famous?~ He wondered in his spare time during the holidays.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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