
Chapter 181 - 181. Preparation For The Big Day.

Magnus was trying to talk to this Prosecutor, thinking about the Order of Merlin. He needed a lot of members in it. If this prosecutor was telling the truth and his daughter was really kidnapped because of his honesty, then he deserved a chance, of course, after countless levels of testing.

But he didn\'t talk too much and rather focused on the dinner and fun stuff. ​​

Later that night, they got the business card of the small family and returned home.

"Magnus, when are you going to contact the queen?" Adam asked.

"I\'ll tell her tomorrow. She might be able to help you with your patents. But, get ready, that battery is going to blow the brains of a lot of people. Get ready to answer a lot of questions and accusations. But, for the most part, I will throw some money to big news channels around the world to create a favourable image for you." Magnus decided.

After running his Dragon Holdings, he understood that most of the problems in the muggle world could be solved with money. And those can\'t be, could be solved with magic.

~Wait... my assistant hasn\'t contacted me for so long. Is she even alive?~ Magnus suddenly remembered Venessa.

"Mum, I will go to sleep now. I\'m feeling a little tired. Ah, and take dad to sleep too. Look at his face, I\'m afraid he will turn into a zombie." Magnus advised them.

"Pfft... Zombies aren\'t real." Grace laughed it off.

Magnus and Ragnar looked at each other\'s faces, boy they had a surprise for her.

"No, mum. They do exist, but only in America. We learned about them in our 1st year. Werewolf, Vampires, Giants and trolls also exist in this world. They are very violent creatures so they weren\'t on Camelot. There are also many scary dark creatures." Magnus revealed.

Grace\'s face turned pale, "That\'s so dangerous. Don\'t humans mistakenly find them?"

Ragnar replied to this, "They do. Many mountaineers die while trekking in Northern Europe. Giants live there. But because all world\'s governments know about the secrecy law, they hide them as natural accidents."

Adam was shocked by this too, "Stop, I don\'t want to know more. Let me stay an ignorant human, I still want to sleep at night."

Magnus consoled him and quenched his fear, "Haha, it\'s okay, dad. As soon as you join the royal family, I am going to hire some more house elfs and make them your hidden guards. I trust them more than normal wizards, because to a wizard, money might be of more value than loyalty, but to an elf, loyalty is their life. Goodnight now."


In his room, Magnus picked up the phone and started calling some of his important employees and partners. The first was, of course, his assistant. She had not contacted him in the past 3 months, even after the whole Oscar incident.


The phone rang. It rang for a long time.

"Ah, hello hello... Yes?" A girl\'s voice came. It sounded sleepish.

This was not Venessa\'s voice. So he asked, "Who are you?"

"You\'re calling, who are you?" The girl asked back.

"Fair enough. I am Magnus Grant. Where is Venessa?" Magnus asked her.

"Haha... Kid, complete your school first. Don\'t prank call here again, we\'re busy."

*Tooo Tooo Tooo*

Magnus, with a shocked face, looked at his telephone. ~This is outrageous. Did I just get pranked?~

He checked the number he had dialled again and it was the right one. With no option, he called Ted, he must know about this as he deals with Dragon Holdings\' business on a daily basis.

"Magnus? Have you returned? That\'s good, I have a lot of papers that need your signature. I\'ve also cornered the Pfizer company and they have agreed to sell albeit at a slightly higher cost." Ted started to blabber as soon as he picked up the phone. He had the latest model telephone that showed the caller number on a very small monochromatic display.

"That\'s all good and fine but can you tell me why my secretary\'s office called me a kid and hung up on me? Where is Venessa?" He inquired.

Ted facepalmed himself. Venessa was, after all, his employee before.

"She hired some people to work for her, as she was getting too many calls. She probably forgot to tell them the age of the company\'s owner. She\'s in the United States at the moment.

"Can I get the number? Can\'t believe she forgot to send me weekly updates on everything." He muttered annoyedly.

Ted quickly searched through the list of numbers on his table and told Magnus.

"Oh, by the way, Magnus, are you free tomorrow?" Ted asked him.

"What for?"

Ted cleared his throat and replied, "Well, a Wizard friend of mine from school days just had a son born yesterday, he\'s organising a small party for it. He has invited me."

"Hmm... what\'s his name and which side does he fall into?" Magnus inquired. He didn\'t mind mingling with more wizards. He needed them for his various businesses after all.

"His name is Arthur Weasley, and his wife is Molly Weasley née Prewett. They were both in Gryffindor." Ted revealed.

Magnus was immediately onboard. This family was continuously called Blood-Traitors due to their non-alignment with the purebloods supremacists.

"I know Weasley family. I admire their commitment to not joining the dark side, even after being shamed by the rest of the pureblood magical community. Let\'s go there tomorrow." He agreed to the invitation.

"Good. I will come to your house tomorrow afternoon then." Ted hung up.

Magnus looked at the clock. It was 10 PM. This meant it was still 5 PM in New York. So he called Venessa.

This time the phone was quickly picked up. Magnus simply started talking, "Venessa? This is Magnus, where have you disappeared to? No reports, no contacts. I just called the office here and she called me a kid and a prankster before hanging up."

Venessa panicked on the other side. Magnus was already like a living god in her eyes before, and ever since the child trafficking case, she saw him as someone much bigger. She even asked her ex-boss, Ted, about Magnus. And in reply, she only got a few words that sounded like warnings.

"You are too naive and low ranked to know who he truly is. Just know this, he is very strong and influential, beyond what you can ever imagine. You will probably know some of the secrets soon, as a big announcement is going to be made."

This honestly scared her a little, she wondered whom she was dealing with. Was this a demon in human skin? A demon kid? That was even more terrifying than an adult demon.

"S-Sir... You told me to only contact you if I need your signature or some help. I was able to handle everything smoothly here. And... Sorry, I forgot to tell the staff your age." She apologised.

~At least she recognises her mistake.~ Magnus thought and took a softer tone.

"You are forgiven. Just send me the weekly progress report from now on. I want you back here before December 25th, something big is going to happen and I will need my assistant to handle the hoard of hyenas called press reporters." He instructed her.

"Yes, Mr Grant. I will return in three days. Do you want a progress report right now?" She asked, wanting to gain back the lost reputation with Magnus.

"It\'s alright, send it to me in a few days, no need to push yourself too much. Good night. Oh, make sure you start preparing for the New Year bonus for all our employees in all companies. But leave all the highest executive level ones, I will handle those myself after evaluating the reports. Some might need firing." Magnus ordered her and cut the phone.

He then called Adrian to talk about how MEDA was going. He was thinking about starting a private military as a Subsidiary of MEDA, in the name of a private security firm. His plans were big, and for those, he needed security and strength. Later, when he opens businesses in some problematic African nations, he will need to protect his interests from local War Lords and what better way to be safe than scaring them away with a bigger stick than they have.

This was also for the upcoming royal earthquake. In the previous few months, Magnus, Adam and Grace\'s names were continuously being shown in the news. Magnus\' names were normal as he had done many big things. Next was Grace, she was a very renowned scientist, hailed as a national treasure, and beauty as well. Adam was considered kind of a hero for that bomb blast attack. Now too, after what Magnus did, his family was in the spotlight.

But by far the most confusing thing to the world was the constant visits of the queen to their home. With a slight tweak and words on the streets, a rumour was already spread around the country that Adam was probably related to the queen in some way.

It was so easy to manipulate the people as long as one had the money. One could start a war by just spreading some rumours and secret assassinations.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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