
Chapter 114 - 114. Bobby Is Here


Magnus was sleeping when he suddenly heard a voice calling his name. He had heard it before. He opened his eyes and he looked around at the strange room. ​​

"AH! It\'s the hospital." He remembered the events from the last night.


He again heard the voice. He went close to the door and jokingly asked, "Who is it?"

"It\'s me, Brandon, these guards won\'t let me in." the voice replied.

"Brandon who? I don\'t know any Brandon?" Magnus responded.

Outside the door, Bobby started sweating as the two military guards started looking at him suspiciously.

"Heh... Mag, come on, man. It\'s me, Bobby." Bobby spoke, this time with his unofficial but official name.

Magnus acted shocked, "AH! Bobby? Come on in,"

He opened the door and greeted his brother. Bobby quickly entered with a small basket of fruits. His mother had handed it to him.

"Hehe, you should have used your real name, Bobby," Magnus said and gave him a brotherly hug.

Bobby then went into the room and put the fruits on the table beside. He politely asked how Adam was, "Good morning, uncle. I wish you a speedy recovery."

"What speedy recovery? I\'m absolutely fine." Adam suddenly got up from his bed and started hopping.


Bobby was in shock, he looked at Adam, still covered in bandages from head to toe, yet he was not crying in pain.

"Wait... I thought you were in a bomb blast?" he asked.

Magnus patted his shoulder, "He was, but don\'t forget who I am..."

"A greedy, arrogant and narcissistic little boy?" Bobby asked back.

"Yes... wait WHAT?" Magnus was taken by surprise.

"Hahaha... You two never stop messing around." Grace came in from outside with a plate of breakfast. It was mainly for Adam as he was on a porridge diet.

"Aunty... How did uncle recover so fast?" Bobby asked.

"Honestly, even I have no idea. How can tears of a creature heal such injuries? It was magic." She said in disbelief.

But Magnus explained, "Mum, Phoenixes are extremely rare birds, even for the magical world. They are immortal and rise again from their ashes. They are also very pure in heart, which is why their songs can move a person and their tears can bring a person back from the brink of death."

"Can I have some phoenix tears too?" Bobby asked.

"Of course, your dad will get a vial, I only need to find a way to make the Phoenixes in Camelot cry. They are a pretty tough bunch, Abe and George have been reading them sad stories since last night and none of them gave even a single tear." Magnus frustratingly said.

*Knock Knock*

All of a sudden, a knock came. But, it was not on the door and instead it was from the window. Magnus looked out and found Summer. He let her enter and take a rest after her long flight.

He patted her head and gave some food, "What are you doing here, girl?"

Of course, it was obvious as she had a letter in her beak. He took the letter, it was unofficial. He opened it and read its content. It was from Severus and there was a torn piece of newspaper from the Daily Prophet. It had an article written by Rita Skeeters.


~Why must people act so foolish, can\'t they predict which side will profit them more?~ he wondered and crumbled the paper in his hand.

He looked at Bobby with a calm face, "What are you doing these days?"

Bobby proudly lifted his chin, "Haha, I was selected by the University of Oxford and they have invited me for their Leaders of Tomorrow programme. It\'s just a fancy word for collecting the talented kids from the country and nurturing them."

"And you\'re going?" Magnus asked.

"Of course, the faster I complete my mastery in Computer Science the faster I can focus on other things. We\'re also going to be showcasing our new and better computer at CES, Consumer Electronics Show in the US." Bobby revealed.

Magnus was genuinely surprised, "Woah, you\'re moving up so fast, I\'m kinda jealous now."

"Nonsense, If I had magical abilities like you I would have loved my life more, it\'s so convenient," Bobby argued.

Magnus patted his shoulder, "Trust me, Bobby, to me, it\'s exciting but also like a curse."

"I don\'t believe you. Well, Aunty, my mummy will be coming later to meet you." Bobby informed Grace.

"Oh, she doesn\'t need to stress herself. Adam is fine now. And you two as well, you can go back to your schools, you shouldn\'t leave your studies now that everything is fine." Grace told them.

Magnus nodded, he needed to do some other things before going back to school. But before that, he handed Grace and Adam 2 neck chains, 3 rings, 3 feet rings, 1 bracelet.

"Wear them at all times, they will save you from most attacks. They are better than the last ones. You too, Bobby, I\'m giving you a set, these are tough times and nobody knows when what might happen. Be careful." Magnus warned them.

None of them said a single word to protest, as it was apparent from the condition of Adam. In that bomb blast, any normal person would have died. They put them on.

"Mummy, I will go back to school now. Please write me a letter as soon as dad gets discharged. Also, you can just speak the name of Abraham and George, they will teleport to you and help you with everything. Bobby, you take care on your trip to the US." Magnus gave everyone a hug.

Then he went back to the terrace, called Abraham and went to Ted Tonk\'s office. There was a secret room in the building just made for people to apparate in. It was a weird room as one could only open it from inside or with magic.

He went straight to the office of the CEO. He was stopped by many in his way but didn\'t have the patience to talk to each of them, he would just cast a confundus charm on them and keep going.

After walking a few steps he arrived at the corner office with the best view. He knocked on it and entered.

But, just as he entered he bumped into Ted who was on his way out rushedly.

"Ah, I was just coming to you. I saw the news. Is your father alright?" Ted asked.

"Yes, he\'s fine, magic healed him fast. The terrorists have also been dealt with, but we have a different problem." He handed Ted the newspaper cutout and took a seat himself.

Ted was shocked at the very least after reading it, "This... why would she do this? She is bound by contract to never publish anything about you."

"Do you have the contract copy?" Magnus asked.

Ted quickly took out a piece of paper from his magical enchanted safe. Magnus read it fully. It had clearly said that for the money Magnus would be paying her, she was to write articles about a few topics he had specified and it specifically said not to write something against him, her employer. If she breaks the contract then she must pay 50 times of what she received.

Magnus quickly got up, "Send her a legal notice, she has broken the contract and now she must pay according to the contract. Give the contract to the Goblins, they are more intimidating, they will take a little money but that\'s nothing for getting rid of the headache."

*Knock Knock*

Adrian Durand, chief of MEDA entered, he came here after finding out about a kid visiting Ted.

"How are you, how\'s the company going?" Magnus asked him quickly. he was excited to know the prospect of using magic in investigative work.

"It\'s going good, your majesty. We have had a 100% success rate since the start, the list of clients is constantly increasing. I reckon that we make good connections with the Law Enforcement, so I\'ve also been helping the Police in some cases they couldn\'t solve. Besides this, I\'ve come across just one confusing case, I don\'t know what to do. It was the murder of a schoolgirl, committed by a wizard, but, there is no way to prove it without revealing the magic and breaking the statute of secrecy." Adrian briefed.

Magnus thought for a while, "Hmm, he will probably be sent to Azkaban, catch him and hand him to Moody. Then find another criminal, who committed a murder, but is still free due to not getting caught. Gather evidence for his previous crime and also put the blame for this crime on him and hand him to coppers. We\'re doing a service to mankind by putting men like them behind bars, late justice is as good as no justice at all."

After getting a clear command and finding out about what the Modus operandi of the company was going to be, Adrian now had a clear picture of his work.

Magnus got up to leave as he needed to be back at Hogwarts or else by the time he returns the whole Slytherin would be in the palms of Lucius.

"Ted, send the notice to Rita, if she has anything to say then do hear her out, I would like to know from where did she grow a backbone this strong. Also, find out about all her recent activities and inform me. I helped her become a famous journalist, it was an investment from my side and I hate when my investments go bad." He ordered and left.

As soon as he left, Adrian looked at his friend, Ted, in confusion, "Are you sure he\'s just 12 years old?"

Ted shook his head while sighing, "I know, I\'ve been asking that to myself all this time but..."


As soon as Ted sat on his chair again, a smelly wet fart sounded. "But then he does things like this and makes me feel better, knowing that he\'s indeed a kid."

"HAHA..." Adrian laughed.

But, all of a sudden, Ted felt something under his ass on the chair. He got up and saw it was a letter. He opened it and, sure enough, it was from Magnus.

"Haha... got you again. Well, congratulations on the birth of your daughter. This is a small gift from me to her. Some shares of Sugarplum\'s Sweets Shop so she can have an unlimited supply of tasty candies." the letter read.

Ted chuckled, ~It\'s always about investments with him, truly a greedy dragon. But thanks for the gift.~

[A/N: A serious question. What do you think about the pace of the story? Is this fine or should it be faster? Do keep in mind that there will be time skips in the future.]

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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