
Chapter 35 - 35. The Letter

Dumbledore arrived at the rundown house, which was basically non-existent to outsiders as it was under fidelius charm and Dumbledore was the sole secret keeper.

But there was only his brother there at that moment. He had a tense and tired face. ​​

"I had a talk with the Minister. She has agreed to look the other way, but I do not have much hope that she will be able to hold on to her position. So, we must act fast." Dumbledore started.

Aberforth Dumbledore, younger brother of Albus Dumbledore, stood up, anger was raging on his face. "Albus, this is Grindelwald all over again. And why is it that it has something to do with you again? I\'m tired of this now, I don\'t feel like I can even trust you. Don\'t think I am a fool, I know what his real identity is. I saw the boy many times at Hogsmeade."

Albus was hurt a little, hearing this from his own brother. He felt like he aged a few more years, "He was a little boy, Aberforth. Did you expect me to kill him? Like any ordinary student, I gave him a chance to study at Hogwarts..."

"BUT YOU SAW HIM GROW!. You must have noticed the changes in his personality. YET YOU DID NOTHING!... Because Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore can never be wrong, right? You knew but were afraid to accept it, and now look at this mess. Innocent people are dying out there... INNOCEN..." He suddenly shut up as he saw the noise of people coming in.

"Aberforth, do not make this knowledge public or you will do more harm than good." Albus quickly said.

"I don\'t even care now. Do whatever you want." He muttered angrily.

The door opened and walked in one of the most important members of the Order. Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody. Moody\'s wore a magical eye, which was electric blue and earned him his nickname "Mad-Eye". This eye allowed him to see through anything, such as wood, invisibility cloaks and the back of his head. He was a fine Auror but even he was displeased with the capabilities of the ministry so he joined.

Behind him were many more members, some were very old people that Dumbledore knew from back in the days.

Professor McGonagall was also there but she rarely participated in Order related activities. Today, she needed to be here because the matter of Magnus was to be asked.

"Good that you all came here. The ministry will not be a problem for a while. We will need to coordinate and be decisive in each of our attacks. Remember, for Voldemort, his Death Eaters are cannon fodder, but we can not risk our lives like that. We are already limited in numbers." Dumbledore spoke.

"What about that Merlin boy?" Moody asked suddenly.

Everyone turned to him with a weird face. Dumbledore too, "What are you talking about, Alastor? Magnus is just 11 years old. No matter how good he is, we can not involve him. This is not his war to fight, and he is meant to be the future of the British Magical World."

Moody grunted, "Grrr... give me the boy for a month and I will whoop some spells into him. By the end, he\'ll turn out to be a better fighter than most of the sissy Aurors."

McGonagall was enraged by this idea, "I WILL NOT HAVE MY STUDENTS BE USED AS TOOLS. He is a student of Hogwarts, and it is the duty of Professor Dumbledore and the Ministry to ensure their safety. If something happens to him, it will be on you."

Moody was not satisfied and he muttered lowly, "Heh... so now her motherly instincts awaken... old hag."

"ENOUGH... we have more pressing matters than to discuss whether we should drag an 11-year-old into war," Dumbledore shouted and resumed the meeting. Planning on doing a hit on a few unguarded Death Eaters.



Bobby had been missing his best friend dearly. Both had been like brothers since young. They went to school together and played together. But even he knew he depended a lot on Magnus and now he was all alone.

He had skipped the 9th grade now. Going straight to 10th grade, to the 2nd year of High School.

It was a totally different school as the one where he studied didn\'t teach the Highschoolers. This was making him even more nervous. He had heard about bullies in these schools, they especially targeted short kids. And he was very short because he had already skipped 6th and 7th grade, now he had skipped 8th grade too. So, while he should have been in 7th grade, he was in 10th, at the young age of 11. While the average highschooler was 14 years old at a minimum.

*Sigh* With a strong face, he got ready.

"You can do this, Bobby." He cheered for himself.


He quickly ran downstairs to see who it was his mother was busy in the kitchen.

"Oh, Kyler. Mail today?" Bobby knew this guy, an honest mailman. His 5-year-old daughter had gotten into a big road accident and he had no insurance. So, with the help of knowledge taught by Magnus, he enrolled in a bunch of spelling and mathematical competitions, he won them and gave the money to the mailman. So he could pay for his daughter\'s treatment.

This was something taught to him by Magnus. He had said, "Bobby, you will keep on getting smarter now, as I have made sure your foundation is strong. But, in most people, with knowledge comes arrogance. So, I want you to never stop being humble, help whomever you can while staying within your limits. Actually, I read this in a book and it sounded cool so I memorised it."

Kyler smiled as he had gotten very motivated by this boy here. To him, Bobby was like an angel. For a man who earns as little as him, the help Bobby gave was a godsend.

"Yes, by the way, my daughter just saw your face in the interview today. You just skipped your 9th grade? You must be very smart." Kyler said.

Bobby scratched his head awkwardly, "Well, I also skipped 6th and 7th grade. It\'s not a big deal. Don\'t know why they are making it so big now."

"My daughter said she wants to be as smart as you someday." He excitedly added.

Bobby nodded, "Well, my advice, math is very important. Don\'t let her slack on it."

He then took the letter and went inside his house. He read where it was from, and just from looking at the texture of the paper, he had an idea where it was from.

He smilingly went to his room and opened it.


A small chocolate bar dropped from it. "Bobby, taste it, this is so amazing. The best chocolate I\'ve ever eaten in my life. They said it is made of some magical animal\'s milk."

"Haha," he read the first words and smiled. He picked up the candy bar and ate it.

"Hmm, it does taste amazing. Every single bite feels different." He muttered to himself and continued.


"Bobby, my brother, I have found myself in a worse gutter than I initially had thought it was. I found out about my powers and why I could see that portrait. But I cannot afford to tell you that in a letter as it might put your life in danger.

"Just know this, I am stuck with a bunch of racists, who want to use me for their personal gains. There are powerful people after me too. But for now, I am safe inside the walls of the school."

"Also, I found new friends. His name is Ragnar, he was being bullied so I took him in. There is also a boy, named Severus, he has hots for a girl but he\'s insecure. He thought I liked his girl so he was angry at me. Most kids here are broken in one way or another."

"I also found out that I suck in the Potioneering subject. So you can have some solace in the fact that I am not perfect, hehe..."

"Leave this, your school must be about to start. I know where you are going, it is a school for higher intellectual children. You will meet many smart brains there. Keep improving yourself, because what I have found out about my heritage is going to explode your brains. But in the future, I will need your help a lot as I know I can trust you, so, I hope when we reach that point, we are both AWESOME.

"By the way, don\'t tell this to my mummy, or she might come here and kill my old beardy headmaster.

"Sincere... hah... just kidding, I\'m never writing formal letters.

Sincerely, the one who whooped your ass in elementary school.

"Also, this letter will explode in 5 seconds..."

[Letter Ends]

As soon as he read that last line, he immediately threw it away. But, 6 seconds passed and nothing happened.

"HAHAHA..." A low laugh came soon and with that, the paper turned into ashes.

Bobby chuckled, his mood got way lot better. But then he frowned, "THAT BASTARD... Now I gotta clean the room again."

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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