
Chapter 30

By that point, the beast was completely enclosed in ice.

There was no way it could move anymore.

We…We did it.

I think?

At that moment.

The sound of a loud crack resounded through the air.


The beast stood on its hind legs, roaring loudly as the frozen earth flaked away from its body.

The giant dark gray mass leapt at Alexei and Mikhail.


Hurriedly releasing my magical power, I erected a wall of earth in front of the two.

But… as if it had anticipated my movements, the beast landed on the earthen wall and…

Jumped off of it to gain extra distance.

From that height, it bared its fangs and took aim.

It started to descend, with Ekaterina in its sights.


My mind went completely blank.

‘A demonic beast that flies cannot be trapped by earth elemental magic. Please try to run or hide from them.’

It’s not flying, but…

Dear teacher, I think both options aren’t possible right now…

I lost control of my magic powers as I panicked, and the wall in front of Alexei and the prince collapsed.

I’m so stupid.

Even though I’m just the villainess.

I’m not even the heroine.

Of course there was no way I could take on the enemy.

I thought it was just like in the game.

That there was no way I could die.

I was sorely mistaken.

I’m sorry, big brother…!

While various thoughts raced through my head, I couldn’t take my eyes off the three rows of white fangs the beast possessed, as if I was mesmerized by them.

All of a sudden, the color of cherry blossoms filled my eyes.


The strained voice reached my ears.

A white light erupted in front of me.

Spreading her arms out to protect Ekaterina, Flora stood in between her and the demon.

The demon was struggling in the air. A soft white light enveloped it, and no matter how hard it struggled, the light did not falter.

The demon, which hadn’t stopped moving even after being pierced, suddenly became weak.

The anger in its black eyes dissipated, as if the peaceful light had affected it to its core…

The beast, which had stopped moving by now, calmly looked at Flora.

With a poof, the white light disappeared, and along with it, the beast.

A deafening silence fell over the training grounds.

Flora’s body swayed unsteadily, and Ekaterina rushed to catch her from behind. However, her legs gave in as well, and the two weakly sat down next to each other.

Trembling and on the verge of tears, Ekaterina hugged Flora tightly.

Thank you, thank you.

Standing in front of that scary guy to protect me.

Flora, how brave you are.

Even though you must have been scared as well.

You’re amazing.

Heroines really are amazing.

“M-M-Miss Flora, are you alright?”

Though she was barely able to talk, Ekaterina worried over Flora.

“I’m… alright.”

Replying while sighing in relief at the same time, Flora wrapped her hands on Ekaterina’s arms, which were already tightening around her.

“How about you, Miss Ekaterina? Are you injured anywhere?”

“I-I’m fine, really…”

While responding thus, Ekaterina realized that Flora had called her by her name for the first time.

At that moment.


Alexei rushed over to place his hand on his sister’s shoulder.

“Big brother!”

Turning to face him, Ekaterina dove into her brother’s embrace.

Waaaah, it was super scary!!!

Forgetting to hold back at the sound of his sister crying like a child, Alexei embraced his sister with all of strength.

“Ekaterina… Ekaterina…”

It hurts.

My body’s being squeezed to death, but I’m strangely happy about it at the same time.

It hurts! But I’m still alive!

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