纵情欲海3 迅雷下载

Chapter 7: Beginning of a new journey.

Punk was surprised after looking at the destroyed tree stump.

According to the system analysis, the secondary catapult spell consumed less than one-tenth of his mana\'s total amount. Which took only three seconds to restore completely. Punk realized that his mana recovery speed was 10-20% faster than other ordinary mages after seeing this.

" This is the power of magic in this World! Even a low-level spell has such distractive power. Then how strong those High-level spells will be!"

Unknowingly, Punk\'s determination to become stronger grew more solid.

After this, Punk practiced a few other spells. Which helped him to reduce the casting time to only 1-2 seconds. And Punk also became more familiar with many flexible and diverse applications of magic. He also learned a new spell, like- the secondary Mage Armor, which according to the system, provided the same amount of defence as a 3 cm thick steel plate.

Thanks to this spell, now Punk had defence and attack capability no less than an armoured car.

It was pretty incredible in earth\'s stander, but in this World, it was just good enough for now.

Finally, Punk gained some confidence toward his new journey in this World.

Punk\'s first goal was to find a village or a town. He didn\'t want to be a reclusive mage. The amount of knowledge his "parents" left for him was just enough to last until he became an official mage. So communication and trade with other mages were essential for his future growth.


Now Punk was facing a new problem; he had no idea how big this jungle was or how far away he was from any settlements. And In such a vast plane such as the Pheren plane, it could be extremely tough to find any place with a civilized settlement. And Punk didn\'t want to spend days or even weeks in this humid jungle.

And in times like this, the prophecy spells could bring colossal help. Luckily, Punk found a prophecy spell named "visceral divination" from the memory inheritance. Although it was only an apprentice-level spell, its ability to obtain information was quite handy.

But there were few conditions for his spell to work correctly, Like, the information that the spell caster wanted to obtain shouldn\'t be blocked by magic; also, the target should not have any unusual ability that blocked prophecy. And this spell also required a special kind of spell material.


"Sure enough, This spell is not suitable for hunting..."

Punk was looking at the ground in front of him with a little bit of embarrassment. It was a bloody scene; minced meat was scattered all over the place, which was everything left of a small Rabbit.

"Reminder: analysis result showed that the host should not use the secondary catapult for hunting small mammals."

"......Shut Up....."

Punk was reluctant to accept the fact that the system was right!

Previously, Punk wanted to hunt some animal to use its internal organs as material for the prophecy spell. But in the nearby areas, Punk could only find small Rabbits. Still, he used secondary catapult in the excitement of spell experiments to hunt such small animals. The result was not desirable.

After some time, Punk was standing in a small open space, and he was holding a little rabbit by its ear in his hand. It had a bloody wound in its head and was struggling desperately; it seemed to have sensed its impending disastrous fate. But even though mages like Punk are considered physically weak, but it was not to the extent that he would let a small rabbit escape.

Punk used a silver knife that he found in his pocket to quickly skin the rabbit. He precisely cut the rabbit\'s skin and muscles with the system\'s assistance without damaging its internal organs.

And finally, Punk recited "the visceral divination" spell\'s incantation. This spell\'s principle was to use an organism\'s viscera to connect to its souls and use that with an ingenious method to amplify the user\'s soul perception and obtain required intelligence from the deep and unfathomable abyss.

So, the more the rabbit\'s soul dissipated, the worse the spell\'s effect would be!

After completing the long incantations, Punk opened his mental perception to receive the information. He only felt that a layer of fog was slowly spreading around him. Suddenly the green jungle began to blur, and a kind of viscus thing started to penetrate into Punk\'s brain unceasingly. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a message appeared in his mind.

"….keep walking westward for half a day------ a small river------ walk downstream ------ villages and towns."

In the next second, the fog with the sticky feeling disappeared. Punk found that he was squatting on the ground; he threw away his staff at some unknown time. And now he was holding up a large ball of rabbit organs in front of his face as if he was trying to put it in his mouth.

Punk threw away the internal organs and stood up.

"No wonder this is an evil spell. This spell is really bizarre."

Punk frowned, he guessed that this spell was created by a high-level mage. Its application principles were very sophisticated for an apprentice-level spell. It was just like how a child could use a gun by following step-by-step instruction without knowing anything about its profound mechanism.

"Even such a low-level spell is full of mystery. This World is truly wonderful."

A flame of excitement started burning inside Punk\'s heart.

After this, Punk casually used a magic decontamination spell, and the filth and blood from his clothes and hands were converted into etheric energy and dissipated. Within a few seconds, his hands became clean and tender again.

He cut a small piece of fat from the rabbit that could be used as casting material in the future and put it in his pocket.

(Note: Punk\'s robe has a large number of pockets for storing things)

Punk didn\'t pay farther attention to the still twitching rabbit on the ground. Although it could be used as food but because of the elven bloodline, Punk nowadays liked the test of fruits and vegetables more than meat.

After casting the secondary Mage Armor and enhanced vision(can see through thin objects and gives almost 360° fields of view) on himself, Punk happily started to walk toward West.

All through this arrangement might seem unnecessary, but according to Punk, "Only a cautious mage will live a long life."

The jungle was actually not that big. It took Punk only 2 to 3 hours to step out of the jungle and reach the border between the jungle and a flat area. With the system\'s navigation, Punk easily figured out the accurate direction, so he never deviated from it.

It was still early in the morning. Two suns had just risen from the southwest.

(Note: There are two suns in the Pheren plane, both rises from the southwest and set in the northeast)

Now it was the tender season. (Pheren plane\'s year is divided into six seasons: tender season, evergreen season, sunny season, harvest season, windy season, and cold season)

The rough grass under Punk\'s feet was making a rustling noise. The dew from the grass was wetting Punk\'s boots, but he didn\'t pay any attention to these trivial things. He was walking briskly with the staff in his hand.

Because Punk deliberately sped up, it took him half the time mentioned in the prediction to reach the River. It was not so much a river but a large stream. The whole River was only four meters wide at most; also, it was very shallow. However, the River had not been damaged by industrial activity, and the water was very clean. Punk could even see the pebbles at the bottom of the River. There were not many fishes in the River. Punk only saw a small group of fish with a thin body and light blue shining small horns in its head, swimming in the River. Everything was exquisite and quiet.

"But One have to take care of the flower guardian before they can enjoy the beauty of a flower!"

Punk, with his enhanced vision, looked toward a large and somewhat abnormal bush by the Riverside. A faint blue magical glow was revolving around his pupil.

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