
Chapter 91 Awaken

In the Royal Palace Hotel, Antanria was still waiting for Apophis to wake up.


After a long stretch of studying, she took a break to watch TV. The latest news caught her eye and was very troubling.


Chancellor Souley had declared war on the Orc Empire. The horrors Antanria had witnessed on Era made her deeply hate all violence—even though she believed it was important to be strong enough to protect one\'s self—so Antanria was severely troubled by this turn of events.


"War," she whispered, "again and again. How can such civilizations keep acting so uncivilized? Oh, my beloved Elantari, why do you let the universe burn?"


But Antanria couldn\'t let herself be distracted. She had to not only study, but also to strengthen her inner energy. This would eventually allow her to unlock a fighting specialty, what the Eternals called a "Class." Thankfully, some of the Zetark books which Apophis had in his possession taught Antanria how to train properly.


While Apophis was gone, Antanria trained hard to master her inner energy. After a few hours of strenuous concentration, an aura shone around Antanria! Her energy glowed, increasing in brightness until it lit up the whole room.


The Zetark princess had just ascended to Rank D. That is, she had become an Ascensionist.




Meanwhile, Alexander had just finished instructing his new butler, Diana, in her daily duties in the new apartment. Now that those basic details were settled, it was time for Alexander to return to his mother and tell her how he intended to respond to her illness.


He arrived home—or at his parents\' apartment, since he technically had his own now, though he hoped they would also move in—just before dinnertime.


Alexander\'s parents were surprised to see him again so soon. After the horrific news about the cancer, they\'d expected their son to bury his grief by going on a wild spending spree. They were somewhat right, though they didn\'t know it…


Upon entering the apartment, Alexander sat at the dinner table, took his mother\'s hands, and said, "Mom! I may have found… a way… to save you. I just need a little time. Please, start the cancer treatments the doctors offered. I\'ll pay for every credit! This will give me the time to ensure the solution will work for you. Every moment you fight this disease is valuable! Please, don\'t give up! Don\'t abandon me!"


His mother\'s instinct was to refuse. The doctors had warned her that the only useful cancer treatment for her stage would be painful and degrading.


Moreover, the cost was just too much. It would be a complete waste of money, and every credit spent on her was a credit that could have made the rest of her family\'s life better after she passed away. Wouldn\'t it be better to enjoy her final days to the fullest instead of dragging out a miserable treatment that would debilitate her and drain her son\'s bank account?


But just as she opened her mouth to refuse, she looked into her son\'s eyes and saw a flame of hope there that she couldn\'t bear to extinguish.


In the end, her love for Alexander was greater than her desire for her own happiness.


"I trust you, my son."


Alexander\'s eyes welled with tears as he leaped to his feet and hugged his mother tightly. He didn\'t like showing these emotions, but the moment had overwhelmed him. "Thank you," he whispered.


Once the meal was over, Alexander transferred a million credits to his parents\' bank account to relieve them of all financial worries—and also announced that he was moving to Sector 16.


Then he called Diana, telling her he\'d be away while he visited the notary\'s office to finalize the documents for his new apartment. "Once you\'re done with your chores," he said, "meet up with me in the game."


Alexander didn\'t know how long he\'d end up playing this time, but it would definitely be his longest gaming session since his reincarnation. He wouldn\'t disconnect until he found his mother\'s cure.


He clenched his left fist with determination, then entered the game.

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