
Chapter 186 Primordial Qi

After dinner, Orion excused himself and made his way to his bedroom. He needed some time alone to think about everything that had happened that day. As he lay down on his bed, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by all the information that the system had given him.

He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm his mind. However, the more he tried to relax, the more his thoughts raced. He needed guidance, and the only one he could turn to was the system.

"System, what do I need to do now?" Orion asked, his thoughts echoing in his mind.

[The first thing to do is to strengthen oneself.] The system replied promptly.

Orion knew that the system was right. He had just awakened his talent, and he needed to work on developing it further. But he didn't know where to start.

"System, how do I strengthen myself?" he asked, hoping for a more specific answer.

[Every person that awakens will have the ability to cultivate using Qi. The host is special and can only cultivate using Primordial Qi from Primordial World.]

Orion remembered the term "Qi" from his studies in school. It was a type of energy that flowed through the body and could be harnessed and cultivated to enhance one's physical abilities and talents.

"But what is Primordial Qi?" he asked, still confused.

[Primordial Qi is the purest and most powerful form of Qi, originating from the Primordial World. It is so pure that cultivating it is dangerous, and ordinary people will die if they try to use it.]

Orion was taken aback by this information. "System, are you trying to kill me?" he asked with a hint of fear in his voice.

[No, Host. The Primordial Qi is a powerful tool for cultivation, but it must be used with caution. With the host's talent, cultivating using Primordial Qi is better than regular Qi.]

Orion took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He knew that he couldn't ignore the system's advice, but he also didn't want to put himself in danger.

"System, how do I cultivate using Primordial Qi safely?" he asked, hoping for a clear answer.

[The host's talent, Primordial Ascension, has already transformed the host's beast space into a Primordial World, where the Primordial Qi is abundant. The host can cultivate directly in the Primordial World, and the Primordial Qi will automatically enter the host's body.]

Orion listened intently to the system's explanation, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. At least he had ways to get the Primordial Qi.

"Okay, so I can cultivate safely with Primordial Qi, but how do I begin the cultivation process?" Orion asked, eager to get started.

[The first step is to cultivate the Primordial Qi within the host's body. This can be done by focusing on the breath and circulating the Primordial Qi through the meridians in the body.]

Orion nodded, trying to understand the process. "And how do I know if I'm doing it right?" he asked.

[The host will feel a warm sensation in the body as the Primordial Qi circulates, and the host's physical strength and endurance will improve over time.]

Orion took note of the system's instructions and began to focus his mind on sensing the Primordial Qi. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, trying to clear his mind of any distracting thoughts.

As he focused his attention on his breathing, he began to feel a faint warmth spreading throughout his body. It was a subtle sensation, but he could tell that something was happening.

Orion continued to breathe deeply and visualized the Primordial Qi flowing through his meridians, as the system had instructed. He concentrated on the warm sensation, trying to intensify it.

After a few minutes, Orion opened his eyes, feeling energized and more alert. He felt like he had unlocked some sort of hidden potential within himself.

"System, I think I can feel the Primordial Qi," he said excitedly.

[That is a good sign, Host. Keep practising and refining your cultivation, and you will become stronger over time.] The system replied with satisfaction.

Orion felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that he was on the right track.

"Thank you, System, for your guidance," Orion said gratefully.

[You're welcome, Host.]

Orion's mind was still buzzing with questions, and he couldn't help but ask one more thing.

"System, you said earlier that I can only cultivate using Primordial Qi. Does that mean I can't cultivate using the Qi around me?" he asked, wanting to clarify this point.

[That is correct, Host. Ordinary people can cultivate using the Qi in their surroundings, but your talent restricts you to using only Primordial Qi from the Primordial World.]

Orion was puzzled by this. "But why is that? Wouldn't it be more convenient to use the Qi around me?"

[Using the Qi around you is like drinking polluted water, Host. It may give you some benefits, but it also comes with impurities and risks. Primordial Qi, on the other hand, is like drinking from a pristine mountain stream. It is pure and powerful but also dangerous if not handled properly.]

Orion nodded, understanding the system's explanation. "So using Primordial Qi is like a double-edged sword. It can make me stronger, but it can also harm me if I'm not careful."

[That is half correct, Host. With your talent, Primordial Ascension, Primordial Qi is like pristine mountain stream water. You can have as much as you want, and it will not be a double-edged sword for you.]

Orion was surprised by this information. "Wait, so I don't need to worry about the dangers of using Primordial Qi?"

[Only people without your talent need to be careful when cultivating with Primordial Qi, Host. In your case, you don't need to worry about the potential risks. Primordial Qi is the most suitable and beneficial energy source for your cultivation, and you will be able to handle it without any problems.]

Orion felt relieved and grateful for his unique talent. He couldn't imagine the difficulties ordinary people would face in their cultivation journeys.

"I'm really lucky to have this talent," Orion said, feeling a sense of gratitude.

[Indeed, Host. Your talent is rare and powerful, and with it, you have the potential to become one of the strongest cultivators in the world.]

Orion felt a surge of motivation and determination. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was willing to put in the effort to become stronger.

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