
Chapter 51 Ch 49: Unbelievable! How Can There Be Two? [Pt2]

He waved back as he watched the officer look at him and then back at the phone that was lying down. The Yohan on the other end of the phone was still speaking.

“H-How? Why are there two of you? What kind of trick is this?”

The more officer 2 panicked, the more Yohan wanted to tease him even more. He had not intended to confuse Officer 2 before this but now it was a prime opportunity to have fun. And it had all but landed in his lap.

‘My luck is incredible today. I guess I am the chosen one after all.’

Officer 2’s phone call had unexpectedly closed a plothole Yohan was not even aware of. Now if someone needed evidence that Yohan was home tonight, all they would need to do was to look through the call logs.

What a fortunate turn of events for him.

“Are you surprised to see me here, officer 2? I can see your fear and panic in your eyes.”

Yohan’s voice was teasing when he spoke. He was scaring officer 2 even more than before. The white skin of officer 2 had gone translucent in fear and worry.

“Y-You? Who are you? What kind of devil are you?”

Office 2 took a step back as Yohan took one forward. He was afraid of getting closer to Yohan and it only fed Yohan’s demon side even more. It was a pleasure unlike sex and lust, it had its energy.

Yohan’s demon side did not discriminate in all kinds of pleasure and it was making him feel drunk. It was another type of power rush that made Yohan feel like he was floating.

“Me! A devil? How did you guess? Well, since you were able to guess that right, do you want a reward from me? If you tell me what you want then I might give it to you.”

Officer 2 ignored Yohan’s words as he ran in the opposite direction from where Yohan was. It was a valid attempt to escape Yohan.

But Yohan was not going to make it that easy for Officer 2 to escape him. This officer knew too much and he needed to die right now. It was the perfect crime and Yohan will finally be able to escape safely.

“L-Let me go. I k-know, I will not tell anyone what I saw today. I will also not let a-anyone else point fingers at you. I w-will be loyal to you for e-eternity if you allow me to live.”

This promise officer 2 made at the end gave Yohan a pause. It was a nice suggestion to consider but it was of no use to Yohan in the end. He could always kill this officer and then make sure he had another subordinate.

‘Although, having a living human as a subordinate will not be a bad idea. I am sure my skill will be able to help me out.’

The last servant Yohan had made who still had his mind was grunt 3. However, unlike officer 2, grunt 3 died before being brought back.

But Yohan had a feeling that his skill would still work on a living person as long as he had permission.

“Well then, since you are so eager to serve me I should let you serve me. But don’t forget that it was your choice to follow after me.”

Yohan wanted officer 2 who was thankful for being let go. What officer 2 did not realize that his life was going to change forever.

Magic rushed out of Yohan and snapped around officer 2. The magic bound officer 2 and snapped the freedom out of him. It created a living link between him and Yohan that could only be served by death.

And all this had been possible only because officer 2 had agreed to this deal. So whatever happened was his fault from here on.

The sound of rustling leaves reached Yohan’s ears and he was certain that someone else had seen him. His eyes were much sharper than a human so Yohan was certain of what he saw.

It was the female officer 3 who made up the last of the officer trio at Khan\'s mansion. She had seen what Yohan had done but he doubted that she had been able to see his face in this dark environment.

‘Still, it will be better for me to be safe than to be sorry.’

Yohan had no intention of harming officer 3 until now but she had dug up her own grave now. She will need to be gotten rid of before she could open her mouth.

“You, I have your first task for you. Go after your companion and make sure she shuts her mouth up forever.”

Officer 2 ran after his partner, his body obeying the orders it had been given. The speed officer 2 ran with was something humans could only achieve after hard training.

It was too bad that all his special training would be used for Yohan’s purpose now.


Officer 2 ran after his colleague even when his lungs burned. He did not want to harm officer 3 but his body felt like it had no other choice. All he could do was fulfill the order he had been given.

Officer 3 was lucky that she was the best runner among the three of them. It was the only thing keeping her alive right now.

‘Run. You have to outrun me no matter what it takes. I don’t want to follow that devil’s orders but I accidentally ended up selling my freedom to him.’

Officer 2 regretted making that deal now. He had not known that he would have to kill when he was ordered to. It was so pathetic that he wanted to cry.

Even if his lungs burned, officer 2 kept running. Officer 3 was slowing down now, her legs finally giving up but freedom was almost in her sight. She just needed to run a little more and she would be free.

But unfortunately, officer 2 managed to catch up to her. His body took out the emergency gun he had stored in the gun holder and aimed. Tears filled his eyes as he shot his first shot.

It missed officer 3 but she panicked and slowed down again. Officer 2 finally caught up and got a steady handle on his gun.

‘Please run. Don’t let me kill you like this.’

Officer 2 pleaded as his body was not able to control itself. Officer 3 made the mistake of looking back and she froze in fright. It seemed like it would be the end for her.

But when all hope seemed to have been lost, Officer 2 felt his body give way under him. He did not feel pain but he was certain that he was going to die. The thought that had seemed so daunting before suddenly seemed so freeing.

‘Good. At least she will get to live now. I am sorry that I was not able to save you and tell you that I loved you…’

It will always be a regret in his dying heart. The last image officer 2 had seen of the woman he had loved was of her looking back at him in fear. It hurt badly but that was just how things had ended up being for him.

“Such a poor and unfortunate soul you are. Your lady abandoned you and the one you trusted to show you mercy ended up using you. Yes, your tragedy is worth saving.”

It was an androgynous voice that spoke to officer 2 but he could not see anyone in front of him. Somehow, he got the impression that the one speaking to him was a male.

He wanted to respond but his body was heavy and restricted. He could not even keep his eyes open.

“Are you curious to know who I am? I am a messenger of god and I am here to give you salvation. If you take god’s merciful hand then I will save your soul.”

The words being spoken to officer 2 were so tempting that they almost felt like a devil’s trap. It made him hesitate to take that offered hand but he felt like he had no other hope.

Even if he did nothing and died, it would not change anything. He was sure that the thing he had made a deal with was a devil and he would not let his soul go even after officer 2 died.

“You are right. Devils are such merciless creatures who do not deserve salvation. But as an angel of god, I cannot watch you, a human, suffer like this. Allow my salvation and mercy in and I shall save you.”

Officer 2 was sold. He was not sure if his soul would get saved but there was no harm in trying.

Besides, the light that was falling on his body felt freeing and he could not stop the pull he was feeling on his soul.

In the end, officer 2 ended up taking that offered hand and his soul was replaced by the angle.

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