韩国电影妈妈的朋友5 完整版

Chapter 398 - A Straightforward Girl Named Xiu

Chapter 398 A Straightforward Girl Named Xiu

“These bastards with full iniquities! They actually do something outrageous like human trafficking!”

Just after recovering from leg numbness, Xiu ran to the side of a coffin, leaned against it, looked inside it and then turned to another coffin.

In the end, she shook her head in disappointment, and then continued explaining to Lin Mengya and Qiu Yu.

“To be honest, I’m from Lieyun Empire. My uncle is a trader selling drugs. I came out with my uncle. A few days ago, we passed by a village where I met a blind old lady. Hearing that our caravan came from outside, so she asked us to deliver some clothes to her son. She said that her son has also joined a caravan in order to make a living. Later, I asked the blind old lady which caravan his son has joined. However, she said that she didn’t know but just heard that her son could get two taels of silver every month. On hearing that, I felt something was wrong. Later, based on the words of the villagers, I speculated that those recruiters were White Tiger and Black Dragon. I went to inquire about the old lady’s son out of a good heart. Unexpectedly, the man took liberties with me, so I fought with him in anger. Afterwards, I’m here.”

Xiu told them the whole story. Lin Mengya and Qiu Yu finally understood what had happened.

However, after examining the coffins one by one with remorse, Xiu finally leaned against a coffin and sighed lightly.

“Alas, he’s not here. The old lady said that there’s a large black mole on her son’s face. What should I do? The old lady must be very sad after knowing this.”

Xiu’s face suddenly darkened, full of disappointment.

She must have promised the old lady that she would give the clothes to her son.

Compared with her arrogant uncle, Xiu, this simple girl, was really clear and pure.

“I think they are definitely going to get them out in batches. According to your statement, they should not have been sent out of the country.”

Lin Mengya involuntarily said something to console Xiu. She was so kind and innocent that Lin Mengya couldn’t help doing that.

After glancing at the person in the coffin, Xiu suddenly rushed over, took Lin Mengya ‘s hand, and said pleadingly.

“Little brother, thank you for saving me. But if I leave with you today, they will find something wrong. I want to ask you a favor. I must find the old lady’s son, so I’ll lie back there later. Can you drug me?”

Lin Mengya really didn’t expect that this lovely Xiu would ask her for such a favor.

Moreover, she came here with the intention of detecting the location, where the people kidnapped were hidden, and then causing the conflict between the two parties.

Now Xiu actually had such a request, which really baffled her.

“Listen to me, I understand what you are thinking. Nevertheless, your uncle is really worried about you and going to fight with White Dragon and Black Tiger because of you. Moreover, we don’t know where they are going. If something terrible happens to you, I will feel guilty.”

Lin Mengya tried to persuade Xiu to leave, but unexpectedly the little girl insisted.

The stubbornness between her eyebrows made Lin Mengya feel helpless.

“I know, but the old lady is blind and now I don’t know whether her son is dead or alive. If the old lady learns the truth, she will definitely collapse. Since I’ve promised the old lady, I must do it. Rest assured. I will not put myself in danger. Everyone in our Lieyun Empire is born to be an expert in poison. They thought that they could prevent me from using poison by taking my treasure bag away? Humph, they are wrong. By the way, take this.”

As Xiu said, she took a small cloth bag from her waist and put it in Lin Mengya’s palm.

“This is...”

“This is the hundred fragrance rat I have kept since I was a child. Look, in such a solid coffin, it can still find a way out and find itself some food. Moreover, it is particularly intelligent. No matter where I am, it can find me. Little brother, now that you know where my uncle is, give it to him. In this way, he will know that I am here, and I will convince him then.”

A small head popped out of the cloth bag.

Its small eyes were like black beans, alertly looking around.

It looked just like that kind of hamster that Lin Mengya had seen in modern times.

However, the little rat was not afraid at all, but grabbed Lin Mengya’s thumb and bit it softly with its front teeth.

“Look, it likes you very much. Go back quickly. Leave other things to me.”

Xiu was so persistent that Lin Mengya and Qiu Yu couldn’t say no to her.

In addition, for fear that Lin Mengya and Qiu Yu could not explain it, she took out the hundred fragrance rat that they could take back for proof of their words.

Such a bighearted and careful girl was extremely rare.

If Dongfang Xu really doted on this niece, perhaps he was not the arrogant person regardless of others’ lives as she imagined.

“Little brothers, please don’t let others find out what has happened here, okay?”

While talking, Xiu has already lain in the coffin.

Lin Mengya looked at Xiu’s dark eyes speechlessly, wondering she should consider this girl bold or silly.

Perhaps no normal person would lie in the coffin voluntarily.

“Okay, I can help you. Nevertheless, you may feel a little pain later., because they had sealed the acupuncture points of your limbs with steel needles. Remember, I’ll adjust them a little outwards for you. So you will fall into the state of normal sleep. As long as someone shakes you vigorously or calls your name, you will wake up. Except for doctors, no one can find it. Moreover, because of the silver needles, you can only talk, but can’t move. Do you understand?”

Xiu nodded, and then closed her eyes.

Lin Mengya quietly drugged her so as not to make her feel pain.

She had only a few medicines for protecting herself when away from home.

She had just fed a medicine for restoring strength to Xiu. In this case, if something went wrong, she could be energetic enough to escape.

After helping Xiu back to the original position, they wiped the traces of their visit.

They carefully returned along the same path, and hurried away after finding their horses.

But neither of them expected that a thin and tall figure suddenly appeared at the door of the coffin home shortly after they left.

If Lin Mengya and Qiu Yu were still there, they would surely recognize that the man with the gloomy voice had returned again.

The thin figure went into the basement of the coffin home again. This time, not hindered by Liu Hailong, he looked inside and outside carefully.

However, none of their goods was missing, and nothing changed.

Could it be that he was oversensitive?

After considering carefully, he took a handful of fine soil from outside and placed it at the entrance of the secret door.

After finishing all these, the dark shadow cautiously retreated from the coffin home.

After returning to the inn, Lin Mengya and Qiu Yu sneaked back into their rooms while no one paid attention to them.

However, they, who thought they were noticed by no one, saw someone unexpected in Qiu Yu’s room.

As soon as the door was opened, Qiu Yu and Lin Mengya were stunned on the spot.

It was because at the table in the room, Master Guo was smoking his big pipe slowly.

Seeing these two young men come back sneakily, he just raised his eyelids to glance at them.

“Sit down. You should be tired after going out overnight.”

After thinking hard for a while, Lin Mengya could only stay silent and listen to Master Guo obediently.

Master Guo was such an experienced person anyway that they were probably unable to hide their thoughts from Master Guo.

However, Master Guo didn’t say anything after a long while.

With a tacit understanding between them, Lin Mengya and Qiu Yu hung their heads after glancing at each other with inexplicable expressions on their faces.

“Okay, stop showing me such a mournful face. Have you found the niece of Dongfang Xu?”

Master Guo had seen through these two little guys long before. Despite no expression fluctuations on his face, he had come straight to the point.

“Yes, we have found her. However, Xiu said that she still got something very important to do, so she cannot come back with us.”

Lin Mengya nerved herself to say falteringly.

Master Guo still smoke his pipe slowly, but nodded gently. After that, Lin Mengya finally seemed to be relieved.

“Do you know what serious trouble you will bring to our caravan if you bring back the girl of the Dongfang family tonight?”

Although Master Guo didn’t sound reproachful, on hearing his words, Lin Mengya felt a little aggrieved.

It was obviously White Dragon and Black Tiger’s fault. She just wanted to make use of Dongfang Xu to get rid of this gang of scums.

Anyway, she did nothing wrong.

“Alas, young man, you are too naive. Yuan Lin, do you know why the old guy Dongfang would rather negotiate with White Dragon and Black Tiger than directly fight with them? It’s no longer peaceful on this path. The old rules we have established have been taken less seriously, especially by White Dragon and Black Tiger. Today if you had acted recklessly, they would definitely take revenge on us. You and I are certainly not afraid of these scums, but the rest people of our caravan have to be afraid of them.”

Although Lin Mengya still felt aggrieved, she bowed her head and obediently listened to Master Guo.

In fact, she also knew that the caravan had to compromise for the sake of the overall situation. Nevertheless, no matter how powerful White Dragon and Black Tiger were, they still needed to sit at the negotiating table, didn’t they?

However, it was obviously not the best time to talk back to Master Guo now.

After thinking for a while, she began to inquire about the result of the negotiation.

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