
Chapter 121 - Shamac's Turn

Lydia\'s Relic is the most powerful of the novice group of Adventurers.

Nathan realized this after examining their Relics one after the other during their times of training. While the Relics of the others were around Grade 9, hers was definitely a Grade 8, possibly a Grade 7. Since he wasn\'t an appraiser, Nathan couldn\'t accurately attribute a rank to it.

He knew it was powerful though.

The icy burst attacks which spread a severely cold mist freeze anything within it in seconds. Since their opponents were Stone Golems, the attack was even more effective on them.

"Stones have a very high cold conductivity. The attack should be even more active against them than on regular targets." Nathan smiled to himself.

There was, however, a problem with her Relic… It took too long to use a single attack. This is why Lydia stayed at the rear end to support the team once her Relic charged enough to launch her assault.

The tactic was simple, yet effective. The mist slowly dissipated, revealing a clearer image of the lumps of stone the group was up against. Just as Nathan planned, the monsters had been completely frozen.

"They\'re not dead yet, and the effects won\'t last forever. Let\'s take them now before they break free!" Nathan quickly said, returning to face the monsters.

Lucy and Jack followed him and readied their Relics to strike. Jack raised his axe and plunged it toward a frozen blue-brown Golem. The monster shattered apart easily, almost like Glass. Jack was surprised by the ease of the task that was now at hand. He saw the glowing orb among the shattered debris of the Golem and quickly smashed it.

Lucy, unlike Jack, relied on speed in combat. Thanks to her Relic suit, her speed was greatly increased, giving her an edge in a battle that required minimal efforts to strike, and more speed to deal with many enemies at once. She dashed through the crowd of frozen Golems, using straps from her suit to slice through the enemies. After dealing damage to a couple of them, she proceeded to destroy their cores.

Nathan watched them as they excitedly killed these monsters with ease. As he did so, he casually swung his blade toward a Golem beside him, who was already regaining motion. The Golem shattered apart, core included.

The subjugation was a success, the party cleared their first Dungeon hunt. Everyone appeared excited. Puck, the Porter went to retrieve the valuable parts of the Golem, which wasn\'t, in any way, much.

"Just take only the cores. It can be used by the Adventurers Guild. Though the price isn\'t too great, it\'s still something. Besides, this is something we got from all your hard work. Good job." Nathan retorted.

Carl and Desmond didn\'t play any role in this round, but Nathan knew very well that as they advanced to the upper floors, their skills would be indispensable.

"Now then… Let us move on!"


"Alright, since Talia handled the 3rd Floor Boss Room, why don\'t we see what Shamac can do?" I said.

Our group has already reached the 4th Floor Boss room. Of course, we passed through various mob rooms, but those small fries aren\'t worth any attention. With a snap of my fingers, they all disintegrated as we made our advance.

The theme of the fourth floor is \'Reptiles\'. We saw our fair share of them on our way to this room, and the one behind this door is no different… The Boss Monster. I already know what kind of Boss we\'ll be facing, but let\'s see how they deal with it.

"W-Why Shamac?" Ana muttered, trying to hide her flustered state.

Did she think I would pick her? No way, that\'s just going to be a waste. Ana\'s powers are too much for any of the lower floors. I don\'t want my ace among my slaves to face just any kind of opponent, especially when she\'s using my Treasures.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

Ana\'s face froze and her body quivered upon hearing those words. It seems I\'ve been too lenient on these people. They are, after all, ultimately slaves. It\'s always effective for them to love me rather than just fear me, however, it\'s also important to exert dominance once in a while.

"N-No, never my lord!" She exclaimed with trembling.

"Oh? So you are saying I\'m wrongfully accusing you?" I responded with narrowed eyes.

She gulped as she looked at me with fright and reverence.

"N-No… I…I…" She stuttered, unsure of what to say.

This has suddenly become amusing to me. Ana\'s usually stoic face, now expressing this look of confusion and nervousness… What a silly performance.

"It\'s alright, Ana. It\'s natural for you to make mistakes once in a while. You are only human, after all." I said, patting her head as I drew closer to her.

"M-My lord, you are too kind!" She muttered, flustered by my reaction.

Yet, I sense pleasure in her voice. She must really like being patted like this. I suppose it\'s normal since I am synonymous with god in her eyes.

"That\'s enough of that. Let\'s get on with this, shall we? Shamac, are you ready?" I said, facing the one I have entrusted with the Boss monster.

"Y-Yes! Just watch me, Boss! I\'ll be done in no time" He grinned excitedly.

What a child.

With a slight push, Shamac made the massive gate in front of us part. It creaked loudly, spreading its rusty parts wide as it allowed us to look inside it.

Without any delay, Shamac stepped into the room and we followed. I observed his gait from behind him, confident and fierce. It seems he\'s going to be showing me something interesting.

The Boss room this time is swampy, with moss growing everywhere and a feel of the moist and damp atmosphere is enough to make a normal person shiver. A thick fog covered the room, making the area barely visible.

 An unpleasant smell also filled everywhere, making everyone\'s nose cringe. Of course, I\'m only saying this because that is the setting, it\'s no problem for me. I switched off my respiratory function so I don\'t need to take in such unsanitary air.

"Oof, this place reeks" Talia gagged.

"You lack the degree of self-control to tolerate this… But you are right. The smell is indeed foul. Just what manner of beast lies here?" Ana responded.


A subtle hissing sound filled the room. It was in a low tone, barely audible. However, our ears picked it up since our senses are all heightened.

"…SSSSSSSSSS…." The sound became more pronounced.

Everyone looked around the room, wondering what was causing such a sound, however, Shamac seems to have already guessed the culprit.

"It\'s a snake... Having transformed into its kind many times, I know of its sounds, habitat, and preferences. This is a snake…" Shamac muttered.

"Eek…?" Talia squeaked a little.

Correct! Well, he\'s only half right anyway. Because it\'s not just any kind of snake.

"Haaaaaa!!!" The beast finally emerged from the foggy layer all around us and showed its face.

It wasn\'t just any kind of snake that they had imagined. Having three heads and an enormous body, the trunk of its slithery body had already wrapped itself around our vicinity, surrounding us.

They were all shocked by the sight before them. The Boss of the room is a Hydra, one of the most troublesome creatures in existence.

The fog slowly cleared, revealing the monstrosity Shamac would face. Shamac\'s eyes bulged as he saw the creature. It was way larger than the Boss Talia faced, and its speed would also be a problem.

The regenerative factor, freakish strength, toughness, speed, size…. In everything it far supersedes Shamac.

Shamac is the slowest of my slaves, and also the weakest. I wonder how he\'ll handle this.

"….Sssss…." The Hydra glared at us, intruders of his home.

"W-Wow… That\'s one big snake…" Talia chuckled nervously.

Why is she so unnerved? Judging her based on her current strength, she should be able to beat it. Unless…

"Talia, are you scared of snakes?" I asked her.

"W-W-W-Whaaaa… N-No way…!" She exclaimed nervously.

What an unconvincing performance. She\'s definitely scared of them, and I\'m not the only one who thinks so.

Everyone looked at Talia with a smug look. The other two finally know one of her weaknesses, and they appear amused by this.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Ana turned to ask Shamac with a look of concern.

His bulging eyes twitched as he stared at the massive beast. He slowly calmed himself. After taking a deep breath, he exhaled with a look of relief.

Shamac turned to all of us and smirked confidently.

"What do you think I am? This will be a piece of cake. As for my earlier behavior, I was just getting a little too excited is all." He replied.

He looked at me and I nodded. I do not doubt his Abilities. He might be the weakest of the three, but he has something they do not possess… The limitless possibilities of evolution.

He is a Shifter, able to manipulate his Aspects. Both his Shadow and his body… There is no greater strength than being in complete control of one\'s self.

The rest have a limit to their growth, but as long as Shamac continues to give in to his dark impulses and go up against even higher creatures he will become invincible.

After all, he can literally become anything he wants to be.

"Go on, Shamac. Show me what you can do."

He nodded.

"Yes, Boss!"

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