
Chapter 85 - City Of Adventure (Pt 2)

The guard's shocked expression as his jaw dropped made me respond with a small smile. He looked at the blade, then looked at me again.

"Believe me now?" I asked him.

A few seconds of silence ensued between us until an unexpected sound interrupted our staring contest.

"So... Um, we're pretty exhausted, it's a long journey after all... Would it be alright if we drive in now?" Shamac voiced out.

The Coachman looked behind to see Shamac awake. He wasn't aware of the fact that he has already been awake since a while ago Even Ana and Talia were surprised by his sudden statement. Usually Shamac is withdrawn and silent, no one expected this from him.

The guard got flustered by Shamac's question and quickly cleared his throat.

"Aheemm. Sorry for taking your time unreasonably... Open the gates!" The guard yelled to the others who were behind the walls separating from them.

Immediately, the giant blockade creaked as it was raised up by a two giant chains at the hinges. The soldiers on top of the wall used their wheels to elevate the giant door until it was suspended above us to pass through and officially enter Lamar.

The guard returned my blade to Nathan, who in turn gave it to me. I collected it and placed it on my waist, though I can still feel both Nathan and the guard's eyes transfixed on the blade... And on me.


The coachman whipped the horses and used their bridle to control them, initiating their movement forward.

"Wait!" The guard quickly called out to us.

The coachman stoped the horse quickly and looked behind to see what the issue was. Nathan and the rest also looked back out of curiosity.

"The monster you defeated with that blade... What kind of beast was it?"

I glanced over to Nathan and a bead of sweat dropped down from his face. He appeared nervous. I suppose it's up to me to speak up then.

"Minataurs" I said to the guard, then ordered the coachman to continue moving the carriage which he did promptly.

"W-Wha...?!" The guard said, looking dumbfounded.

We moved into the city and transversed the streets, making the guard's figure grow smaller and smaller until he was entirely out of sight.

Usually, most transport carriages drop the passengers as soon as they enter the city. However, since we are VIPs, the coachman is taking us directly to our place of residence in Lamar.

Thanks to the high influence I have in Artia, Lorna, one of my subordinates, was able to pass across a message to Lamar ahead of time and secured the place where I will be staying for the moment. The coachman has the directions, so that is where he is taking us.

I looked around the city, using both my normal eyes and my heightened senses.

The size and population of this city is nearly twice as large as Artia. The entire place is bursting with life and vigor and I could see the streets crowded with many people.

Out of everything I have seen so far, there is one which stands out the most. The tallest building in the entire city, and clearly the largest. The Adventurers Guild Office.

Known to be the very core of the city, the Adventurers Guild manages the affairs of the Adventurers of the city, all quests are issued through them, whether directly or from a third party. All activities within the city is monitored by the Guild, especially if it is adventuring related.

Since most of the inhabitants are Adventurers, their spouses and children, or aspiring Adventurers, there is no shortage of members belonging to the Guild. The rewards for quests are also issued by the Adventurers Guild. Nathan explained quite a lot to me, so I understand both the official and personal perspectives of the Adventurer Guild and it's workings.

Information is power, and I finally have the power I need to kickstart my plan in Lamar.

"We're here Sir Rio Xarion" The coachman said, calling my alias' full name.

Using one's first name only is a sign of friendship, comradeship or familiarity. For the kind of relationship I have with him, it's only natural for him to address me by my full name.

Myself and the rest of the passengers of the carriage stepped out one after the other until we were all dropped off.

"I have to say sir, this experience I have had has been like no other. It is truly an honor to serve someone like you and I look forward to when next my services will be required" The coachman said to me.

I smiled at him.

"I feel the same" 

Those words were enough to melt his heart as he rode away merily, reminiscing on the insincere statement I made. Humans are so gullible.

"Well, I suppose this is where we split up" Nathan said, carrying Marie in his arms.

"Will she be okay? She never did regain consciousness throughout our travels" I asked him.

"O-Oh. It's fine, please do not concern yourself with that. The truth is that she overexerted herself by using a Relic to it's limits. Such a task took so much out of her that she would normally be bedridden for days. Besides, the shock she received from those monsters is also a factor. But I believe with enough rest she should be fine. Thank you so much for all you've done for us" Nathan said with a smile.

"Don't mention it. I'll see you around" I replied.

Nathan left us and went his way. 

"Well then, Let's lodge in for today. It's been a while since I've slept on a bed." I said to my slaves.

"Ah, yesss. Finally! I've missed that" Talia said, stretching her body.

"Indeed, it will be pleasant to have such comfortable place to sleep. Though I do not mind anything else, as long as it is Lord Hexarion's wish" Ana stated.

Shamac remained quiet, I suppose he's back to his silent treatment since I'm so close to him.

Well, it's fine. Tomorrow we'll begin everything in earnest, so it's best to rest up for tonight. For that.. I mean my slaves.

This night, I have a different agenda in mind.


"Heh, looks like you got it! I knew I could count on you Mr Foryer" A man in a red hood said to another man with a similarly designed one.

"Yeah. I was nervous when he talked about the Minataur, but it looks like he's just a regular rich kid after all" The one in the brown hood responded, bringing out an object from his hooded cloak.

"So far, it looks like he doesn't suspect anything. That's good." The red hooded one replied.

"Yeah. He doesn't know... That we have his Relic. The 'Blade of Rupture' eh? The power I sense from it is immense." The brown hooded one answered.

"Yeah. He sliced through four Minataurs all at once. With this kind of Relic, we'll be set for life!" The Red hooded man said excitedly.

They kept conversing in the darkness of the night and after they finished their talks, they both entered a building which resembled a bar, disappearing from the streets for the rest of the night.

A silhouette stood on the rooftop of one of the buildings from afar off as he observed the two hooded fellows. A smile formed on the face of the observer as he smiled.

"Just as expected. This should be fun"

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