
Chapter 616 V2 ch88

Chapter 616 V2 ch88

Saturday morning, the twins were packed up once more and at the door, after I returned from my run. Zeke and Noah were saying their goodbyes even though they were still sweating. I was the last to join the group.

Dave have the top of my head a pat. "See you in a couple of weeks, Bambi."

I brushed his hand away. "Have a safe trip." I glanced at Kyle and then back at Dave. "Play well."

Kyle reached for me and pulled me into a playful headlock. "Why do you make it sound like we don’t usually play well?!?"

"Because to Jake, you’re trash!" Noah laughed.

Kyle let go of me and turned his attention to Noah, but Noah saw it coming and took off sprinting.

Dave looked down at me. "You don’t really think that we’re trash, do you?"

I shook my head. "I think you guys are good. All of you."

"Suck up!" Noah hollered at me while being chased.

"Have fun." Zeke gave Dave a pat on the shoulder before going in the house.

Mom and Dad both came out at the same time. They had decided to take the day off to drive the twins to the airport and then would spend some time in the city before coming back for dinner. Mom got Kyle to stop chasing Noah, and they started to pack the car with the suitcases and baseball bags. Dave and Kyle got into the backseat and waved. Noah and I waved back. Dad got into the driver’s seat and started the car. Mom got in and off they went.

"This trip is going to be even longer." Noah sighed, kicking the step of the front porch. "Plus, Mom and Dad will leave us for a few days to join them. So boring."

"We get to go see Rhys." I tried to comfort him. "And maybe an A’s game on the same day?"

He looked to me, a little happier. "Have you asked Jeremy yet?"

I shook my head. "Day game today in the Midwest. I’ll call him after our game. Maybe after lunch."

Noah nodded, understanding that Jeremy has a busy schedule. We both went in the house and started to get ready for the game; not even bothering to shower since we’ll just get sweaty again.

We picked up the girls on the way, with Alisha and Kaylee making fun of Noah’s haircut the whole way to the field. KJ and I just laughed. The happy atmosphere followed us to the game and continued on as we had fun playing softball with an older team again. Afterwards, Zeke treated everyone to pizza, including Stu and Mr. Miller. It was a little sad when it was over and we had to take the girls home.

"Did you notice that Kaylee was in such a good mood today?" Noah asked me when we were back in our room, freshly showered.

I nodded. "I thought she was nicer today." There were no snide remarks or comments about us.

"I think it’s because Kyle and Marie had a good time yesterday despite the black eye incident." He rubbed the stubble left on his head. "They bonded over shaving my head with the others help. Small price to pay."

I laughed. "You’re willing to go bald to keep Kaylee in a good mood?"

"I’m willing to set up Kyle and Marie again to keep Kaylee in a good mood." Noah corrected.

I shrugged. "We should just stay out of it. Let them be. Kyle has been on an emotional rollercoaster lately." Highs and lows. He’s been in a better mood lately and I rather keep that going.

Noah sighed. "So true. There are only a few more weeks of softball so I could handle it if Kaylee got all mean again. She’s pretty moody and emotional too. Nothing like Alisha, who is always happy. Why can’t more girls be like her?"

My lips twitched. "I’m going to call Jeremy now."

"Sure!" He left the room to give me some privacy.

I pulled out my cellphone and pressed on his contact. It rung a few times before he answered.

"Hey, Jake, how’s it going?" Jeremy asked.

"Good." Everything was good. There wasn’t any real complaints in my life. "I heard you got picked as a starter for All-Stars. Congratulations."

"Yea! Yea, it’s been a wild ride this year." He paused. "Do you want to go..? It’s in Cleveland. In a couple of weeks."

I blinked, surprised at the sudden invite.

"If you don’t want to...then that’s fine..." He mumbled.

"No! I mean, yes. I mean..." I took a deep breath. "I would like to, but I still have my class to go to. And there’ll be softball games."

"Oh. I get it. Sure." He paused again.

Seeing my opportunity, I cleared my throat to speak up. "Actually, I was calling today to see your plans for the 4th of July? Thursday? I know you have a game..."

"Want to come?" He asked, a little more lively again. "I can get a hold of some tickets for you and the Atkins."

"It actually won’t be all of us." I told him. "The twins will be visiting a college this weekend, and then Mom and Dad will fly out to them to spend the holiday together, then the twins will go to another camp."

"So you’ll be alone with just Zeke and Noah?" He asked.

I shook my head, but then realized he couldn’t see me. "We’re going to Zeke’s friends house in the Bay Area. Rhys. His dad is the pitching coach for the Giants. He’s taken us to a few games so I was hoping you would let me...invite him too?" I got quiet as I waited for Jeremy’s reply.

"Oh, sure. It’s no problem. Just you four then?" He asked.


"It’s a night game, so you’re just going to do fireworks during the day?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Probably, I guess. I’ve never lit fireworks before."

"It can be dangerous so maybe you should let Zeke do it, if he’s experienced. I don’t want to hear that you got burned or blew off a finger or something" He sounded worried. "I don’t want you to miss out on some fun, but be safe."

"Okay. I will." I promised.

He sighed. "I think I sound more like a parent than a brother sometimes."

I grinned. "Nah. Zeke and you are similar."

"Well...we are closer in age." Jeremy laughed a little. "Anything new with you?"

I hesitated, wondering if I should mention my scar removal treatment. Then decided against it. I didn’t want to bring up the past, nor did I want him to feel guilty anymore. We were in a good spot and I wanted us to stay this way. "I’m going to get a haircut tomorrow." I told him, then explained what had happened with Kyle and Noah.

He chuckled at the end of it all. "Sounds like the usual teen drama. I can’t say I miss those days just yet."

We talked a little longer about how my classes were going and how his baseball season was looking like. Apparently the centerfielder that he had replaced was looking good in rehab. They think he could be ready as soon as next week, but want to hold off until after the All-Star break before putting him back into the lineup. The A’s are going to be even better.

After the call ended, I went to find Noah to share the happy news.

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