
Chapter 1553: P.T.E Over... Trouble Comes!

Chapter 1553: P.T.E Over... Trouble Comes!

Like so, time went by swiftly, with Cyprian attending all his meetings.          

And thanks to having all general questions long answered, he stormed into these meetings, only focusing on his children\'s progress.     

First, the teachers brought out the final results for the last 2 semesters.     

This was the start of the school term. So even though they were having a P.T.E-conference meeting now, the results from the last 2 sessions already showed what strengths and weaknesses his children had.      

And of course, the assigned teachers talking to him were those who taught his children during those semesters.      

He could see his girl was weak in language but very strong in Math. She was also good at archery, even though she barely started it during the last semester.      

She had the 4th best foundation and beginner level-stance and technique in her class.      

She also ran well, finding herself on the junior track team.     

She was only decent in subjects like biology but excelled in another called chemistry.      

To her, biology almost had no numbers and chemistry was just up her alley.      

Anything with numbers, she was good at.      

But when thinking of lengthy matters, she just didn\'t like them... Except they were literature and poetry, of course.      

That is, who doesn\'t like listening to famous stories?     

Again, he could see the massive improvement in her calligraphy and writing.      

Just look at her test papers... Was this truly what his daughter wrote? He felt like framing it as a treasure.      

He had never seen writing so good in his family before!     

All these praises were good and all. But why did he hear that his daughter was also a chatterbox in class?     



Cyprian felt embarrassed when the teacher spoke about her disturbing his classes on multiple occasions.      

\'This girl...\'     

He would have to give her a proper spanking when they got home!     

Cyprian\'s face turned red, wishing the ground could open up and swallow him whole.      

Her grades were good, with the lowest grade being a B. But why was she still so troublesome?     

\'Stinky Girl. Just wait for your father to clean you up!\'     

Cyprian listened to the teacher summarize a lot about his daughter in 8 minutes. These were things he didn\'t even know she had as habits!         

Some were good, and others needed attention.      

All in all, he learned his daughter was super friendly with her classmates, not isolated, had friends of her own, and felt some subjects like biology were challenging.     

Following that summary, the remaining 7 minutes were spent in a brief Q&A session with him asking any other questions he felt necessary to know.      

"Is my daughter the one bullying people?"     


"What types of support are available to help her keep up with her studies and her classmates if need be?"     

"Library, computer rooms, and teachers."     

"What grade qualifications does she need to get accepted into the gifted-talented program?"     

"Blah, blah, blah, blah~."     


"How is she with in-class assignments? Even though you\'ve given me some suggestions to promote and manage her struggles, if I find myself unable to assist her, what other options do I have to better her mentally, physically, and academically?"     

"Blah, blah, blah, blah~."     


"What is my role as a parent to make them grow better? And also, can you recommend some activities to support her learning?"     

"Puzzles, brain-teasing books, etc."     



What a strong meeting.      

Those 15 minutes he spent talking about his daughter was the most intense he had ever had.      

He didn\'t even know there was so much that these teachers observed.      

At this point, it would be a lie to say he wasn\'t impressed.      

He learned things about his children he didn\'t even realize. I even felt no school or academy in his empire could give such a detailed outline of his daughter\'s strengths, weaknesses, and habits.     

What parent wouldn\'t want such an analysis?     

It aided him in knowing what direction his child could grow towards.      

Already he knew she would probably love a profession involving lots of numbers or her favorite sports.          

He also saw an essay on what she wanted to be in future.      

There was also another follow-up on 3 other professions they felt they wanted to get drawn into.      

Her first dream job was to be a Math teacher. And for the other options, she chose to be a track runner, a \'store owner,\' or a movie star!     

Look. She even placed her favorite actress as her idol.      

Things like these allowed him to gauge her future, knowing what she would be most comfortable with.      

As for matters concerning his older son of 10 years, the meeting was during another time slot with another teacher.      

Here, he found his son was very quiet and a little too withdrawn compared to his daughter. The teacher raised this concern, seeing if he could spend time with his son and draw him out of his shell.     

As for matters, his son was a good boy, the class monitor of Class A, Grade 10.      


For Grade 10 alone, there were Classes from A to F, with the best students being in the A class and the worst in the F.     

But every 1 out of the 2 primary term semesters, they would shuffle the students around, sending some good students to F class, worst students to A class, and so on.     

This move raised the overall class average seeing as there were peers to teach the weaker ones.     

And while his daughter was at the top of C-class in her grade. His son was the 3rd top in A-Class of his grade.      


All in all, Cyprian was impressed!     

He collected his fist in awe, looking at the bullet-point key notes long printed out for these meetings.     

\'What a school. With this, I will know how to help them more.\'     

Cyprian puffed his chest out, feeling like a proud and confident father.     

And soon, he saw his 7 and 10-year-old children outside the room.      



The troublemaker, of course, yelled \'dad\' while his silent son called out softly.      

Only now did he know how accurate the teachers were.      

But this much was good.      

He felt he could leave his children in Baymard\'s hands with peace of mind.          

"Com\'on... Let\'s go home." He said softly, rubbing his hair and holding his daughter\'s hands.      

"No way! Father, let\'s stop for ice cream first!... Ah! Let\'s get cake too. I know just the place, dad. Believe me. With me... You can never go wrong!"     


Cyprian paused dumbfoundedly before bursting out in laughter. His son revealed a slight smile, and his daughter quickly pulled them both away.      


Such moments always felt warm.     


Smiles here, laughter there...      

Just like Cyprian, many felt a warm atmosphere seeing their children and relatives meet up with them after club activities.      

The day went by quickly. And in a blink of an eye, Baymard fell asleep in a merry state.      

But little did they know that just around the corner, the darkness was now surrounding them all!     


The darkness had come to capture the fraudsters!!     

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