
Chapter 431 Baymards National Musuem

They did this so that they could keep a better eye out for the children.

Also, if any of them did wander off on their own.... it would be easier for anyone to spot them if they were wearing this as well.

The children were briefed on what to do if they got lost, as well as what to do if they ever got kidnapped.

Of course, there were going to be at least 5 teachers going with them on this trip.

So that 3 can walk behind all the children, and 2 can walk ahead instead.

One had to be prepared for all possibilities no matter what!

And after readying the children up, the teachers quickly joined them on the school buses.


Just like that.... they were gone.


Krea and Rebecca smiled broadly while observing the busy roads of Baymard excitedly.


The word alone made Krea utterly confused, as she had never heard of it before.

But According to the latest edition of the Baymardian dictionary.... it was a building where objects of historical, artistic, scientific or cultural interest could be stored and exhibited.

She didn’t fully know what to expect when touring this Museum place, as she even though she understood the concept..... she still didn’t know what sort of objects would be there.

In short, she had come to learn that one should expect some sort of magic when dealing with Baymard.

Take for example, the emerald theatre.

Several places on Terique had theatres, but none of them had been arranged in the same way as Baymard did.... be it structurally or in terms of shows.

The entire experience completely blew her mind away.

So even though she felt that she understood the dictionary definition of this Museum thing to some degree, she still felt that Baymard would definitely manage to give her some sort of surprise while she was there.

Well, she had never seen or heard of a Museum before, so of course from now on... Baymard would be the standard in her mind.



The school buses all stopped at the parking lot adjacent to the Museum’s entrance.

With that, everyone got off, held hands, and walked towards the Museums entrance.

There, one could see large golden gates, that had the words: Baymard’s National Museum.

One should know that because the Museum itself held 6 different types of Museums in it..... it had just been named National Museum.

Of course, 6 out of the 11 buildings there... were all dedicated to showcasing one Museum type.

Hence on each of those buildings, the Museum type was written on them as well.

▪Baymardian History Museum (Baymard’s historical past and present)

▪National History Museum (which looks at civilization for the entire Pyno continent..... and soon, the rest of Hertfilia.)

▪Natural History Museum (extinct animals, species, traditions and practices from the human race.)

▪Zoology Museum (sculptures of current species that exist)

▪Wax Museum (For people who made a difference within Baymard, as well as the Pyno continent.... and in future, the entire Hertfilia.)

▪Technology Museum (Which would focus on all mainstream technological improvements.)

The place was crowded with numerous tourists


So with so many types of Museums available to the public, how could Landon pick any of them?

Hence it was better to stick to the name ’Baymard’s National Museum’ instead.

Of course, these 6 buildings out of the 11, were the largest buildings within the Museum estate.

As for the other 5 buildings.... 3 were kept for food courts, security, buying Museum merchandise, fire department, staff rooms, and so on.

While the other 2 were just kept there for future use instead.

Krea looked at the massive entrance and found that the place was even larger than she had initially thought.

Just from looking over the massive golden gate, Krea could see several tall buildings that were all evenly spaced out from one another.

But even though they were widely spaced out, they were still surprisingly connected with one another with the help of fully covered glass bridges on their second or 3rd or even 5th floors.

The children followed their teachers gleefully into the museum estate... and were first taken to one of the non-tourist buildings.

There, they were immediately greeted with a very tall lady.... who eagerly came over to welcome them.

"Welcome kids!

I’m Gail..... I’ll be your tour guide for today." The lady said while flashing her pearly white teeth at them.

Gail again went over some safety tips while touring, and also placed several pretty coloured ropes around their necks.... that had Museum tour badges on them.

And with that, they could finally begin the tour.

"Alright... let’s start off with the ’Natural History Museum’ shall we?"



They walked, skipped and hopped behind the guide... while making their way to their designated building.

The building they were focused on, was focused on showing extinct animals..... as well any traditions and cultures from humans that no longer existed.

So if it were back on earth, dinosaurs would be placed here.

But here in Hertfilia, they had their own extinct creatures as well.

Stepping in, everyone immediately exclaimed.


This was beyond shocking.

What sort of creature or animal could provide such bones?

And how come they had never seen something that large before?

Everyone blinked in awe at the sight before them.

Within the massive museum space, one could see several bones of strange creatures all around the place.

And just beside the bones, was a coloured portrait of how the creatures try looked like.... as well as a portrait showing how tall a human would be if they stood beside these creatures today.

The entire thing was completely shocking and unfathomable..... as they followed Gail around in shock.

But the most eye-catching creature that they had seen so far, was the one that seemed to have 2 heads.

The feature had a darkish blue scale-like skin..... as well as 6 legs, very long razor-sharp teeth, and 4 tentacle-like ails at its back.

It was truly a frightening heart to behold.


Gail looked at their shocked faces and smiled.

"This specific creature is called a Ghazenosyres.

They roamed Hertfilia before humans existed, and lived for more than 110 million years..... before they became extinct.

In short, they used to be the real hunters in the Hertfilian world!"

As Gail spoke, everyone soon became engrossed in her adventure story, of how these creatures would hunt their prey and so on.

And very soon, several people raised their hands in confusion.

"But miss.... why did they go extinct?" Krea asked confusedly.

How could such strong creatures just disappear without a trace?

"Good question!

Well, there were a lot of factors.... but the most noticeable one, was a single catastrophic event called Supernova.

When you all look into the night sky.... can you all tell me what you see?"

"The moon!"

"The stars!"

"Bingo!..... the stars!

You see, the stars have their own growth (evolution) cycle, just as we humans do.

And during the last growth phase of a star, it gives off a powerful dazzling stellar (shooting star-like) explosion.

This explosion showered in Hertfilia at the time.... causing these creatures to die from high levels of toxic energy (radiation) which wasn’t good for them.

And that’s how they became extinct."

Hearing the explanation, the children couldn’t help but thank their lucky stars for the supernova thing.

Or else, wouldn’t they have been killed off by such ferocious beasts ages ago?

Some beings, were definitely better dead than alive.


The tour continued on either the students visiting the different museums.

They saw a clay version of how people in Baymard used to dress and be like.... as well as all the major historical events in Baymard as well as the entire Hertfilian world.

They also got to know that about all the different continents which they didn’t know existed in the hertfilian world.

Sitting in the food court and gisting with Rebecca and a few others, Krea couldn’t help but smile slightly.... as she felt like the whole experience was a real eye-opener for her.

She wondered what else humans could do, as nothing seemed impossible anymore.

Could they go to the moon?

Nah!... that was possibly the only thing that she thought was impossible.

But who would’ve known that in a few years from now, she would be forced to eat her words so soon?

Of course, that was all in the future.

As for now, she was just enjoying what Baymard had to offer.

And so tour day ended with everyone taking numerous souvenirs home.

It was a complete success..... as everyone learned a thing or two about the Hertfilian world in general.


A few more days went by swiftly in Baymard, and while the empire continued to maintain its gleeful atmosphere.... some of the soldiers who had previously left for their mission, had finally arrived at their targeted location.

Mission ’Free Bird’ was about to commence!

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