
Chapter 380 380 In Clara's Vision

Chapter 380 380 In Clara\'s Vision

His hearty eating was not just a gesture of pleasure, but a desperate attempt to replenish his depleted energy reserves. Each bite served as a restorative remedy, not just to satiate hunger, but to revitalize his fatigued body and spirit. 

It was as if every morsel held the promise of renewed strength, a means to refuel his body for a little longer, allowing him to press on with his duties, even if only for a brief extension of time. 

As Clara observed the scene unfolding before her, an enigmatic expression graced her countenance. Her eyes, usually calm pools of reflection, now held an unsettling intensity. Within them, a menacing flicker danced, a spark of fire that burned with a disconcerting ferocity. 

The intensity in her gaze was unsettling, akin to a tempest brewing beneath a deceptively calm surface. 

The glint in her eyes held a certain ominous quality, hinting at a tempestuous storm gathering within her. 

It was a silent warning, a portent of inner turmoil that seemed ready to erupt, like a dormant volcano on the verge of awakening. It was a glimpse into a realm of emotions best left undisturbed, a foreboding signal of an impending emotional eruption that could prove both alarming and deeply disconcerting. 

Given Clara\'s typical temperament, all the signs pointed to an imminent eruption of emotions in the most violent manner possible. Her current state was reminiscent of a pressure cooker about to release its built-up steam in an all-encompassing explosion. 

However, Diana seemed unfazed by the impending storm brewing within Clara. She was even going out of her way to provoke her further by acting all lovey dovey with Zach. 

In the face of the menacing glares directed her way, Diana remained resolute in her mission to cater to Zach\'s needs. 

She defiantly disregarded the threatening gazes, focusing solely on her goal: ensuring Zach\'s nourishment and comfort all the while revealing subtle hints about the depth of her new connection with Zach so as to keep other bimbos like Clara from congregating around him. 

With deliberate intention, Diana took it upon herself to curate Zach\'s meal. Not only did she meticulously assemble his plate with all his favored dishes, but she went a step further. 

In a captivating and alluring manner, she took it upon herself to personally feed him, a gesture that transcended mere care and veered into a realm of naked provocation in the world of women. 

As she blew gently on the food to cool it down, Clara felt as if molten lead was being poured into her eyeballs forcefully. She couldn\'t just stand by and watch while Diana kept on provoking the violence, she had been rearing behind her stiff but composed expression. 

Meanwhile, Diana acted as if she hadn\'t even noticed that Clara was sitting there. It was as though her actions carried an enchanting grace, drawing attention not just to the act of feeding but also to the affection and tenderness in her gestures. 

Her alluring manner of feeding Zach was laden with a mesmerizing charm that was like the work of the devil in Clara\'s vision. 

She wanted nothing more than to strike that obvious smirk off Diana\'s face but doing so would undoubtedly attract Zach\'s attention and put her in a negative light in his eyes. 

Therefore, she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth but kept herself in check. But how could Diana let her be so easily? 

Clara finally lost control when Diana crossed all limits and smirked provocatively before taking a napkin in her hand to wipe off a smidge at the edge of Zach\'s lips softly. 

She dabbed it a few times around his lips, but each dab felt like a stab in Clara\'s feeble heart, wounding her feelings and lacerating her insides with jealousy. 

The otherwise nurturing gestures from Diana seemed to be loaded with an unspoken message at that moment, one that Clara perceived as a subtle assertion of dominance in the unspoken rivalry among all the women vying for Zach\'s affection. 

The tenderness in Diana\'s actions felt like a deliberate highlight to her, a way of drawing attention to the closeness she now shared with Zach. 

It was also a cruel reminder to Clara about the still ambiguous relationship she shared with Zach, which was the greatest regret in Clara\'s heart. 

Diana didn\'t even bother to pull her punches even though she was already ahead in the race. Instead, she was sprinkling salt on Clara\'s wounds every chance she got. 

Clara felt a surge of violence bubbling inside her due to what she took to be a calculated move by Diana, aimed at asserting her superior position in Zach\'s life. 

Her impulsive tendencies were already widely recognized and notorious throughout the city, a reputation that preceded her wherever she went. 

The idea of her, known for abrupt actions driven by unrestrained impulses, attempting to subdue these violent inclinations was implausible. 

Unable to contain her mounting agitation, Clara resorted to a covert act of aggression, swiftly aiming a sharp kick at Diana\'s shin beneath the table, a move strategically concealed from Zach\'s view. 

Despite her desire to keep her sentiments veiled from Zach\'s awareness, the forceful kick represented a sudden eruption, a physical manifestation of her inner turmoil. 

It revealed the depth of her emotions, overshadowing her attempts at composure and highlighting the power of her uncontrolled impulses in a moment of distress. 

Despite Clara\'s physical limitations, her shorter stature made the act of reaching Diana, seated on the other side of the table, a considerable challenge. 

Her legs, which offered limited reach, posed a hindrance in executing the impulsive action she had resorted to. 

However, the magnitude of her strength, although dwarfed by her diminutive form, was not to be underestimated, even if it seemed a fraction of its potential. Her herculean strength due to the strength augmentation magic that she was proficient in was far beyond the realm of normalcy. 

The force she exerted, though visibly restrained, carried a power that defied the constraints of physical laws and was just short of keeping Diana\'s bones from getting fractured. She had significantly restrained herself because she knew that Zach would never condone such an act and might even stop seeing her altogether. 

Diana expected such an outburst from Clara from the moment she decided to assert her dominance over her. Considering the amount of time that they had spent in each other\'s company, Clara\'s impulsive nature was not unknown to her. 

Diana had been caught off guard by Clara\'s complete lack of restraint. The sudden and painful kick, delivered with unbridled force, took her by surprise, leaving her in searing agony. 

The pain coursing through her was so intense that it threatened to wrench a scream from her throat, like a banshee\'s eerie wail breaking the silence of a tranquil night. 

But Diana, resilient and determined, refused to grant Clara the satisfaction of witnessing her pain. 

Despite the excruciating agony coursing through her, she held her composure, determined to maintain a facade of stoicism. 

Her decision to bear the pain in silence, to not let Clara witness the distress she had caused, spoke of her inner strength and resolve, as she endured the torment with unwavering determination. 

Suppressing the sharp, searing pain, Diana fought back the instinct to cry out, instead clenching her teeth tightly to stifle any potential sound. Her response to the intense discomfort manifested in a physical struggle, her head swaying from side to side, a silent attempt to distract herself from the excruciating sensation. 

As she gritted her teeth, her muttered words under her breath carried a mixture of pain, frustration, and perhaps a hint of suppressed anger. 

The utterances served as a release, an attempt to channel the pain, a private communion with her inner resilience, a silent prayer for fortitude, a whispered plea for the pain to subside and her composure to prevail in the face of the distressing physical sensation. 

Diana thought that she had held in the pain successfully but unknown to both her and Clara, Zach was able to hear her gurgling words albeit not clearly. 

"What? Did you say something to me?" Zach\'s query pierced the air, his attention diverted from his contemplations by Diana\'s whispered mutterings. 

The inquisitive tone in his voice held a hint of confusion, as he pondered whether her words were directed at him. 

Zach\'s inquiry prompted an unexpected, startled "eeek" to escape from Diana, her reaction a mix of surprise and the realization that her mutterings had inadvertently drawn attention. 

In response to Diana\'s startled exclamation, Zach raised an eyebrow in a subtle gesture, his expression a silent question, as if inquiring, "What was that?". 

His raised eyebrow and quizzical look conveyed a mix of surprise and a genuine interest in understanding the reason behind Diana\'s sudden reaction. 

Diana on the other hand couldn\'t exactly tell him what had transpired earlier. It would be akin to a hen sauntering off to the butcher and pleading to be slaughtered. 

"I-I... I d-didn\'t say anything. Did you?" Diana immediately threw the ticking time bomb towards Clara in order to divert Zach\'s attention away from her. 

Zach immediately looked towards Clara in an inquiring manner as if asking the same question from her. 

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