
Chapter 76 76 The Eve

Of course the reason for that admiration was that Diana could be of more help to her master if she had such a disposition.

Keeping her personal thoughts to herself, Luna rushed back to the Luther family estate since she didn\'t feel that she needed to protect Diana any longer. Diana was more than ready to face most of the troubles that she might encounter not to even mention that the only source of trouble had already been taken care of her.

Not bothering to stay in the shadows, she ran like the wind with her oversized robe fluttering around her as she hurried home to receive her reward from her master.

"Umu~ you are back already." Zach was holding the incredibly excited Luna in his arms. He knew that her excitement was not related to Diana but to him. Staying away from her food source was incredibly difficult for her after all.

"Mmm~Mmm~" Luna nodded twice in a hurried manner as if she had something to tell him desperately but she was waiting for him to ask.

Zach couldn\'t help but think that she looked incredibly cute when she acted like this. Of course, her cute face was only for him; the others only saw her cold and indifferent side that was filled with distrust that bordered on hate.

"Why are you back so early? And where\'s Diana?" Zach had a bad premonition in his heart regarding the answer that he might receive but he needed to know.

"Ohh~ my excitement at seeing you made me forget…that girl did something good." Luna said cutely as if she wanted to be pampered.

"What did she do?" Zach was slightly amused but he wanted to get to the matter at hand. Diana\'s safety came first after all.

"She cut off that animal\'s worm." Luna laughed with contempt directed towards Raisman as she remembered how pathetic he looked as he begged for his life.

"She did WHAT?" Zach almost screamed because he knew the kind of trouble that would bring.

Even though the statement Luna gave was quite vague, Zach had no trouble understanding what she meant. The reason was that the two of them had been together for a long time now and they had spent every second of it glued together.

Luna knew that this question didn\'t require an answer as Zach had already witnessed the bottled up anger Diana had for Raisman. They both knew that such an outcome was already the result of sane thinking on the part of Diana.

Had it been someone else like Luna, Raisman would have hung from some tree with his guts spilling out of his abdomen or better yet burnt to oblivion to keep every speck of his dirty existence would mar the world that they lived in.

"Fuuuuh~" Zach exhaled deeply as he began setting up countermeasures. Since the deed was already done, there was no going back.

He pulled away from Luna and began to stare into space as was usual whenever he concentrated at the system. Luna always found this odd but didn\'t say anything. Living with him for so long, Luna already knew that Zach was doing something that was important to him and didn\'t disturb him. She sat on the bed and kept on staring at him as if no one else could enter her sight.

Zach on the other hand wasn\'t as leisurely. He was busy organizing all the weapons in his Arsenal. He needed to prepare everything he could just to counter whatever storm that Frederick would brew when he came to know of his son\'s condition.

Even though Frederick was a cunning one who knew he couldn\'t offend Zach, there were some things that went beyond reason and logic…parental love was one such thing.

Therefore, Zach busily prepared for the storm that was heading his way.

Sosis family estate

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Frederick bellowed at his guard in fury as if he was the person responsible for his son\'s current state. He grabbed his collar and jerked him back and forth with enough force to shake his insides.

Well that was the reason people avoided delivering bad news. The herald was always the first person to receive the brunt of all the disbelief, the wrath and the depression. What could a measly guard do in such a situation except for receiving whatever was dished out to him in those moments of heightened emotions?

"Young master tried to kidnap the lady of the Luther family and got cast…injured in the process. The men accompanying him all died…even Bastion." The man almost repeated his mistake and barely managed to change his words.

Frederick felt as if he had been struck by lightning from the seventh heaven inside his own house.

"How ca…can that be?" He let go of the guard\'s collar since he knew that the guard wasn\'t at fault. Even though the situation was so dire and unexpected, Frederick didn\'t take long to get back to his senses.

He donned his usually calm and arrogant look but this time he failed to hide the panic hidden underneath and the guard and all the servants noticed this change as well.

"Did \'that\' dark mage do this?" Frederick felt that Zach was the only person capable of taking down Bastion who was the best swordsman in the Sosis family. But the answer left him in disbelief. It was as if the ground had been pulled from underneath him and he found himself falling down the abyss that had no bottom.

"No it wasn\'t. The young lady from the Luther family did this by herself." The guard\'s words destroyed all his sense of reason. He couldn\'t understand how the girl that had been at his mercy along with her cripple brother could become so lethal.

The description of the events was incomprehensible to Frederick. He knew what the siblings were capable of on their own since he had been the reason behind their powerlessness.

The only change since then had been the arrival of Zach who was out of range of prediction. Zach was an anomaly that Frederick had been unable to counter no matter how much he tried. He knew that he was at a disadvantage since he barely knew anything about Zach who would likely protect the culprit in his son\'s incident.

But hearing about his son\'s condition and the possibility that the Sosis family might not produce an heir in his son\'s generation broke his sanity. He had always doted on Raisman like he was the most precious thing in the world to him and that very son had been harmed by Diana. How could he stay calm in such a situation?

All his cunning and his sneak attacks went out the window. The Luther family had crossed the line this time by harming his son. And Frederick was prepared to make them pay. He was going to drag them by the hair and make them answer for their crimes. Even if that dark mage wanted to protect them, he was willing to fight.

Frederick was at the precipice of declaring an all out war against the Luther family to make them answer for their crimes. By hook or by crook, he was determined to get revenge for his son who could no longer produce an heir for the Sosis family.

Luther Family Mansion

Bruce was the next to discover what had happened from the servants and the guards who reported back to him after the incident took place.

He was dumbstruck at what her usually docile and harmless sister had done. He couldn\'t help but think that Zach had corrupted her with his training. She used to be a healer and Zach turned her into a cold blooded killer who didn\'t even blink before taking the lives or castrating her enemies.

Still he was a brother who loved his sister more than anything in the world. Knowing that he was responsible for at least a part of her outburst, Bruce couldn\'t bring himself to chide her. If he had been strong enough to protect her, she would never have had to give herself over to Raisman just to save the family.

Bruce wasn\'t despicable enough to put the blame on her this time. Therefore, he did the only thing he was capable of doing as the family head of the Luther family.

He took responsibility and began preparing for war. The first thing he did was to thicken the defenses around the perimeter. Coupled with the automatic defense system installed by Zach, the Luther family mansion became impregnable as tens of eyes were detailed for surveillance and security around the place.

Bruce could imagine what Frederick would be feeling at this moment. What Diana was to him was exactly how Frederick felt about Raisman. He would have braved through the walls of the Sosis family had it been Diana who got hurt. Therefore, Bruce was sure that Frederick would bring with him a rain of fire and blood in his wake even if he had to pay a heavy price for it.

The guards had strict orders to remain vigilant during this time. Even though everyone knew about the capability of the defenses, they couldn\'t help but feel a bad premonition regarding the upcoming battle. They feared the wrath of the Sosis family head who was one of the most powerful mages in the city.

Tension seeped into the walls of the Luther family estate as everyone waited for the retaliation that they knew was coming. But the more they waited the more they began to feel that something was wrong. The war that they had been anticipating never came.

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